Per reddit:
Per Storf: "for free for you to bring back to Reddit, Essentials will have one of the albums in our top 5 most requested ROTMs ever.
So given those hourglass posts a few weeks ago, Deloused has gotta be the front runner. Which I'm cool with because I was not willing to pay those Cloud Hill prices. Could also be Channel Orange. They've mentioned before that they tried (and were close iirc) to getting that in the past. I'd be super psyched if it were Frank., I'm betting on Mars Volta though.
Per reddit:
Per Storf: "for free for you to bring back to Reddit, Essentials will have one of the albums in our top 5 most requested ROTMs ever.
Per VMP:
So given those hourglass posts a few weeks ago, Deloused has gotta be the front runner. Which I'm cool with because I was not willing to pay those Cloud Hill prices. Could also be Channel Orange. They've mentioned before that they tried (and were close iirc) to getting that in the past. I'd be super psyched if it were Frank., I'm betting on Mars Volta though.
Pawn violates their own rules.In order of likelihood it's (imo) deloused, pawn, "a random favorite", orange/ 80 (tied for really fucking unlikely)
And would be an incredibly stupid choice. Didn't they already sell tons of those. There should be not to many people left who need a copyPawn violates their own rules.
Either way we're not getting another Fiona Apple album in Essentials.Dammit, they already did pawn yeah? I was thinking extraordinary machine
Here's that VMP tweet from a few weeks back. They're definitely doing SOMETHING with Mars Volta. I was originally thinking they might just carry some copies in their store at delightfully inflated prices, but this could certainly be alluding to having their own ROTM or exclusive(s).
I was thinking that, too and that might actually be a point against De-Loused being an ROTM.The hilarious part is that if VMP did any of the 2LP titles (De-Loused for example) it would seem like a bargain compared to the Cloud Hills prices.
Same here, I'd probably cry if I had to listen to Deloused front to back.I agree that Deloused is the most probable choice, but I really really want it to be Section 80 or Channel Orange. The Mars Volta does literally nothing for me.
I’m so excited for the next 3-month ROTM announcement! I’ve got an amazing feeling that the next three Essentials ROTM’s are going to be brilliant!!!
I want Frank Ocean!!! I want Frank Ocean so bad!!! My vinyl life would be complete if we got exclusive high quality pressings of both Channel ORANGE and Blonde!Meh if it's not Channel Orange (but I wouldn't say no to Kendrick).