Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Not familiar with the artist, but the newest rising just showed up...
That’s kinda mad logic simply because I can’t imagine that Mariah is something that Pitchfork would be particularly into?

Also more Fiona Apple through VMP is never ever going to happen. Just like Songs For The Deaf and Channel Orange it’s a hook to keep people hanging.
Pitchfork is so pretentious. Their reviews mostly suck too! They think they are so alternative and cool, but really they’re just like Target mixed with urban outfitters. Pitchfork just think they are sexy, young, hipster hot shit.

I know, it’s so greedy that VMP do that, to keep people hanging on to their subscription. I wish VMP was more easy-going and honest in that sense! But I guess you don’t have to stay subscribed lol


I want my Frank Ocean!
I want my Frank Ocean!
I want my Frank Ocean!
Where are you Channel ORANGE?
Where are you Channel ORANGE?
Where are you Channel ORANGE?
I want my Blonde so I can feel emotions
I want my Blonde so I can feel emotions
I want my Blonde so I can feel emotions
Thanks, I missed a lot of posts this week. Was that confirmed by VMP or is that just speculation?
Kinda confirmed now that I reread my emails more carefully. I received this response from VMP customer service on Tuesday, July 9th, in response to an inquiry I made about Weyes Blood having disappeared altogether from my orders page:

"Thanks for reaching out! I just received an update yesterday that the Weyes Blood record is en route to our facility and should begin shipping out orders in the next 7-10 days. Thank you for your patience in this matter. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions."

So, if I got this response on the 9th, I guess that means we might not get boxes shipped out as late as July 19th??? I would hope they would ship Weyes Blood represses separately if that's the case, but we'll see!

EDIT: Apologies for not posting this response earlier, it could have cleared things up for many of us head-scratchers.
Pitchfork is so pretentious. Their reviews mostly suck too! They think they are so alternative and cool, but really they’re just like Target mixed with urban outfitters. Pitchfork just think they are sexy, young, hipster hot shit.

I know, it’s so greedy that VMP do that, to keep people hanging on to their subscription. I wish VMP was more easy-going and honest in that sense! But I guess you don’t have to stay subscribed lol


I want my Frank Ocean!
I want my Frank Ocean!
I want my Frank Ocean!
Where are you Channel ORANGE?
Where are you Channel ORANGE?
Where are you Channel ORANGE?
I want my Blonde so I can feel emotions
I want my Blonde so I can feel emotions
I want my Blonde so I can feel emotions

The problem is that they couche these things in vague terms. They are working on it, they’d love it, they’ve asked about it...

I mean I’d love to release Songs for the Deaf, I can ask about it and that means I’m working on it but ultimately that means nothing...

And I didn’t like it so I did cancel my sub and I feel liberated, it’s great 😀
The problem is that they couche these things in vague terms. They are working on it, they’d love it, they’ve asked about it...

I mean I’d love to release Songs for the Deaf, I can ask about it and that means I’m working on it but ultimately that means nothing...

And I didn’t like it so I did cancel my sub and I feel liberated, it’s great 😀
I am loving VMP’s exclusives and will always love the Hip-Hop and Classics sub, but I am happy that you feel much better after leaving VMP! (y)

The difference with me is, I don’t feel like I’m hanging onto VMP or if I’m debating with myself whether or not to stay with VMP. I am more than happy to stay subscribed with them! 🙊

It’s so true though. Whenever VMP says “We’re working on it”. It literally doesn’t mean anything. They just say that to make us feel as though VMP do so much in every department and take things super seriously.

But I’m happy for everyone who feels amazing and liberated and carefree, like you, Skalap, Lee Newman etc after leaving VMP :)
That’s kinda mad logic simply because I can’t imagine that Mariah is something that Pitchfork would be particularly into?

Also more Fiona Apple through VMP is never ever going to happen. Just like Songs For The Deaf and Channel Orange it’s a hook to keep people hanging.
Pitchfork is so pretentious. Their reviews mostly suck too! They think they are so alternative and cool, but really they’re just like Target mixed with urban outfitters. Pitchfork just think they are sexy, young, hipster hot shit.

I know, it’s so greedy that VMP do that, to keep people hanging on to their subscription. I wish VMP was more easy-going and honest in that sense! But I guess you don’t have to stay subscribed lol


I want my Frank Ocean!
I want my Frank Ocean!
I want my Frank Ocean!
Where are you Channel ORANGE?
Where are you Channel ORANGE?
Where are you Channel ORANGE?
I want my Blonde so I can feel emotions
I want my Blonde so I can feel emotions
I want my Blonde so I can feel emotions
New Pitchfork likes pop a lot more. They gave that album a 7.9 in 2017. If it was 15 years ago they probably would have given it a 2.9 or something.
It's hard for me to pigeon-hole Pitchfork reviews as all being good or bad or pretentious for that matter these days. They get a lot of freelance writers to do reviews and some of them turn out great. It is really weird when they pay a writer for a review that is clearly an 8/9 and then they slap a lower score on it though. I've seen the writer express the same level of confusion about that. Apparently whoever writes the review doesn't have anything to do with the number score.
New Pitchfork likes pop a lot more. They gave that album a 7.9 in 2017. If it was 15 years ago they probably would have given it a 2.9 or something.

I'd actually wager Mariah would have fared well with P4K no matter what. Ryan Schreiber was a HUGE R Kelly stan going so far as the book the chief of creep for their 2013 festival — gross. Mariah, R Kelly, TLC and all the 90s r&b acts have always been pretty popular with the P4K / Gorilla vs Bear crowds, and a huge influence on the alt-R&B scene they pushed heavily in the early part of this decade.

Anyhow I agree they have a lot of good freelance writers and they are not really one coherent entity anymore. There's obvious industry agendas behind BNM picks and what not, but they do a decent job of reviewing a lot of good music. I usually have found over the years the albums they give 7 range ratings to, and don't promote on social media to be the best stuff out there lol.
It's hard for me to pigeon-hole Pitchfork reviews as all being good or bad or pretentious for that matter these days. They get a lot of freelance writers to do reviews and some of them turn out great. It is really weird when they pay a writer for a review that is clearly an 8/9 and then they slap a lower score on it though. I've seen the writer express the same level of confusion about that. Apparently whoever writes the review doesn't have anything to do with the number score.
I think the scores are an average from a group of voters, not just the writer.
Mariah Carey’s “Daydream” would’ve been an excellent Pitchfork x Vinyl Me, Please collaborative pick! Only because it hasn’t had an official U.S. pressing and it’s a classic 90’s album. It’s also a refreshing pick as it something unexpected, compared to UGK

The problem I have with this is that after UGK I have realized this sub label means nothing at all. I'm assuming P4K picks up the tab for licensing and promotion, but beyond that there was absolutely nothing of what was promised for the UGK. Supposedly all titles were meant to be remastered with new artwork. UGK was none of that. So if you really want this to be P4K you can just get a sticker of their logo and put it on there lol.
General question for the public! 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♀️

Do you think VMP is pretentious? :unsure:
Pretentious: attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed. Yes. VMP portrays themselves to be something they are not. They are nothing more than a company that is in a (long) phase of poor execution. But dreams/goals are important to keep I hope they find their groove again one day.
New Pitchfork likes pop a lot more.
15 years ago they probably would have given it a 2.9 or something.

AKA the good old days.

Don’t take this as shitting on pop music either. I just like Alternative/College/Indie in it’s most classic and pretentious sense to have a home/voice and for awhile pitchfork was that (similar to Spin magazine in the 90’s and RollingStone in the 70’s). I get in the corporate homogenized world we live this type of thing is rarely possible anymore. Not everything has appeal to the largest consumer base. It’s okay to have specialized focus.

Also, Pitchfork wouldn’t have given it a negative review back in the day because it wouldn’t have dedicated the page space to a Mariah Carey review in the first place and that is completely okay.
Yes! But I also don't think there is anything wrong with that either.

The terse response I wish I could have expressed myself. EXACTLY! There are so many sites to read about music, and Pitchfork is just one of many offerings for news and reviews. I visit it, read the music news mainly, and a review occasionally, then I ignore most content and opinions that don't conform to my awesome tastes (there's your pretentiousness!), and then I skip on over to another music site to challenge or confirm my bias!

EDIT: Full disclosure, Pitchfork was booted off any sort of pedestal I put it on waaaaay back in 2003 when they gave Nada Surf's Let Go a 3.8. Ever since then I take their reviews with a truckload of salt, if I read them at all.

EDIT EDIT: wtf, I'm an idiot. I thought the comment I was referencing was about Pitchfork, not VMP. Long day, and it's only 1:43PM ……
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I think the biggest thing on an editorial level for VMP that I've struggled with is the sense of cultural appropriation of artists of color. unintentional or not, theres something that hasnt sat well with me about having some random white guy tell me this hip hop artist or lost 70s singer has value, or now has value because its deemed "essential" so many years later by a white person, and i say this full well knowing that im a cis white male. its a tough balancing act because theres a lot of wonderful artists I would have never have heard of if it wasnt for VMP, or pitchfork for that matter, but theres something that just feels inherently forced and fake about reading a lost jazz albums of the 70s article written by a 25 year old white dude from the midwest.