Pokémon Go


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I’m one of those who is still playing this game. I figured there are probably a few others out there, and it might be cool to have a place to talk about it (mostly since all my other IRL friends have pretty much given up on the game).

Also those friendship level xp boosts are nice and I need to get to level 40, so if nothing else we can use this to post friend codes! List of forumers' codes below (with some bonus Wizards Unite codes); add away!

NAG UsernamePOGO UsernamePOGO CodeHPWU Code
@HeathUrbanZombie1921 7433 22610165 2870 2956
@Djxfactor511DJXFactor5116316 5091 01348296 2001 2862
@CorycmUncleCorycm7010 9573 1698
@ModernCyrusModernCyrus0354 3958 12363634 4578 9334
@GritNGlitterGritNGlitter6923 5113 12400202 5632 8813
@ThePakoBuelnaPaKKuNBuelna0149 9223 0432
@BjorgenFjorgenBjorgenFjorgen9765 0791 7442
@RenegadeMonsterRenegadeMonster0039 0827 3707
@chris_d_colechrisdcole0102 3963 0841
@DevonJDDevonJD1629 5427 2129
@noelledemort1958 6550 8972
@Bull ShannonBullShannon3871 8097 4514
@EricKingofthehild0849 8467 1788
@EriatarkaMrElectricOcean2788 3785 6519
@EvanBennerevanbenner2805 3852 6365
@Santi Chacinsantixchacin2805 2487 7371
@PiratenovelistPiratenovelist5400 3716 0319
@Hhabelt8585 6473 8346
@Nathaniel.DDolphinBoyND2314 3482 4244
@Major TomMajorTomWSOU0846 1418 2456
Last edited:
6316 5091 0134 here!

Working from home everyday means that I don't get to play as much as I'd want, but I still love it.

At my last job, my office was in range of a verrrry active gym, and I didn’t realize until it was gone how much that boosted my gameplay. My apartment is also in range of a gym, but no one ever raids there unless it’s a CD so it’s not useful for much beyond just battling from my couch.


7010 9573 1698 UncleCorycm

At my last job, my office was in range of a verrrry active gym, and I didn’t realize until it was gone how much that boosted my gameplay. My apartment is also in range of a gym, but no one ever raids there unless it’s a CD so it’s not useful for much beyond just battling from my couch.

Ugh, that'd be so worth it for the raids alone. All of the raid related research tasks are a pain in the ass for me and usually sit unfulfilled for forever. In fact, I have 7 raid battles left for the Mythical Discovery quest line because I can never get to any.
Ugh, that'd be so worth it for the raids alone. All of the raid related research tasks are a pain in the ass for me and usually sit unfulfilled for forever. In fact, I have 7 raid battles left for the Mythical Discovery quest line because I can never get to any.

I eventually just joined raids I knew I’d have no chance of soloing just so I could get past that research task lol. But yeah I have like 6-8 of all of the first 10 or so legendaries just from raiding in my office. Those were the days.

One thing that’s super entertaining is how many old dudes in suits show up to raids in downtown Houston during the day....there’s this one guy who I think is like a senior partner at one of the law firms, and he has 4 phones that he raids from simultaneously. PoGo knows no socioeconomic status or age group, apparently haha (they all swear they’re doing them for their kids’ accounts, but they’re dirty liars)
Anyone take advantage of the Torchic May Community Event? I completely forgot it was happening. My brother in law got a 90% shiny, which obviously he was pretty excited about. Didn't get enough candies to evolve all the way to Blaziken for Blast Burn though.
Anyone take advantage of the Torchic May Community Event? I completely forgot it was happening. My brother in law got a 90% shiny, which obviously he was pretty excited about. Didn't get enough candies to evolve all the way to Blaziken for Blast Burn though.

Not this time, I’m trying to break myself of needing all the shinies because that’s just too much to keep track of, plus the weather wasn’t great during the CD