
Rumored OJCs
@Selaws or anybody else who may know—any word of a reissue of Down Another Road by Graham Collier Sextet coming anytime soon?
Its a question I've been asked a few times on Instagram too. I sat down with Universal before Christmas and ran through the list of potential albums they might pursue as part of their "Jazz Explosion" series. "Down Another Road" wasn't on there (plus its a Fontana/Philips release so they would need to reach out to those guys to get the rights. which isn't likely - I think Virgin owns it now). They do have the rights to "Deep Dark Blue Centre" though which is equally brilliant ("Crumblin Cookie" alone is outstanding) so that might be an option.

Fontana have a huge archive of killer British jazz albums which are dying for a reissue, but I haven't really heard of any upcoming series from them unfortunately.

I ended up picking up this Miles boxset for 40 bucks. Probably didnt need it because I'm sure I already own all the material spread across numerous releases. But it was on supersale.

Gotta say, this is an excellent release/comp. Packaging is unique, you pop the top on the box and it holds a small booklet (which slides behind the die-cut and gives the 54 its color) and then 4 single record jackets. Records are basically flawless, Optimal pressing. Kevin Gray in deadwax. Polylined paper sleeves. It sounds really good. Crispy cymbals. Really pleased.
question - saw they are doing Hutcherson's Montara as a TP this year - does anyone know if they are recutting this or using the metal from the VMP boxset (that was KG?)?
good point...wonder if they sound any different? same KG, same tape...be interesting challenge
someone said the tone poet was better. not sure if they are reliable though haha. also we don't know that it was cut from the same source right?