Apparently Aoife O'Donovan is in a band called I'm With Her.. I had no idea. It's a three-piece folk/americana/bluegrass group. New album out in May. Single was great!
Just played the Sega Genesis game Streets of Rage 2 with my 7-year-old. Parenting win and nostalgia all around for me. Plus it has one of the best video game soundtracks of all time, to boot.
Just finished the new Neflix miniseries American Primeval. It's 6 episodes, about 1 hour each. It's fucking brilliant. One of the best shows I've seen. I'm sitting here trying to think what would keep me from giving this thing a 10/10 rating.. And I really can't think of anything. HIGHLY recommend. Taylor Kitsch is such an underrated actor, too.