Wife suggested we set up the projector and do a movie night with the 4-year-old since the two of them are under the weather. Had to turn off Toy Story halfway through because he didn't like Buzz and Woody fighting. Didn't like the 1981 Spider-Man cartoon either. The Comet Is Coming's Tiny Desk show, though? Couldn't get enough of it!
I may have reached a new level of nerdiness today by reaching out to a major music media outlet and asking them to make a correction to one of their articles in favour of a band most people have never heard of who wrote a song nearly everyone has probably heard.
The 4-year-old's sass game is leveling up! We were browsing at the record store during errands this morning when I pulled out my phone to look up pressing info on something and heard the following moments later:
"Dad, did we come here to look at your phone, or did we come here to pick up a record?!"
Just got my show link for Sunday night's Sun Ra Arkestra livestream for the Vancouver International Jazz Festival! I never thought I'd be so into a virtual concert, but it borders on unreasonable how excited I am for this.
Had a really cool dream this morning where, among other cool things, I got the job. Then woke up to a message saying I didn't get the job. What a roller coaster!