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  • Rage Against the Machine - The Battle of Mexico City is a great example of how even a fairly poor recording can still capture the essence of a show. This might be one of my favorite RSD releases since I learned that RSD was even a thing.
    It’s funny, I love this release too, yet people are absolutely shitting on it on discogs.
    Just read those reviews. I get it, recording and master aren't great but honestly '99 in Mexico, not sure what people were expecting. It also seems like a lot of people just want every RSD release to be a big collector item, but those days have been over for awhile.
    Moved my headphone system including loaner DAC into my office. I can't go backwards now. I guess I need to buy a DAC so I don't have to keep running headphones off my laptop.
    I need to figure out my headphone sitch. I’d like to use my cans in the office but really don’t want to build another entire system either.
    Joe Mac
    Joe Mac
    I’d like an office! Whilst working off the dining table is next to my main system, which is great, this temporary COVID measure, which feels more permanent by the week, is getting old!
    @Corycm It becomes a separate system pretty quickly, but because DAC and headphone amps seem to have much shorter project life cycles than 2 channel gear you can get great stuff on the used market. And drop.com is a great resource too. It's pretty reasonable to find a decent used DAC amp to get started. I only have separates in here because I had the headphone amp in the main system.
    I've got the house to myself all weekend - time to get spinning! Trying to figure out if I want to get Wildflowers, American Head, and/or Song Machine deluxe. I could get them all, but I'm trying to regulate the cashflow for other things. Hmmmm.
    @displayname just use the cancel trick if you can’t find any others you want at a similar price! Buy the one you want and any two other different albums at same price and as soon as you place the order, cancel the other two!
    Well, started streaming Wildflowers to talk myself into/out of that purchase. I only got about halfway through the original album section and skipped to the home recordings. That's 100% what I want. I think I'll keep an eye on the CD deluxe set and if that goes on sale later I'll snag that. The home recordings are what's really drawing me in on this one. The rest is just quality filler... for me anyway.
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    I ended up getting Song Machine Deluxe after hearing the full album. Easily the best Gorillaz album in 10 years. I wasn't going to be satisfied without the full album. But still not up to some of the recording quality they've put out in the past.
    I have a very well regarded and somewhat expensive DAC in the house on loan. The only issue is that I cannot stop spinning records!
    Haters gonna hate, but Dave Matthews Band - Crash is still phenomenal.
    A friend's dad gave us his remaining vinyl collection, and I've been randomly cleaning it and going through various albums at random via discogs roulette. Tons of fun to discover new/old gems! Getting my first real taste of Emerson Lake and Palmer right now.
    New Texas Gentlemen is a good start to the weekend
    Is it just me, or is VMP's customer service responses even slower than they were when they migrated to the new site? The old 48 hour window seems to always be an automated response, but real responses seem to take a week or more now.
    In my experience every company is low to respond to anything. I swear the Post office just leaves their phone off the hook.
    @oldschoolkirby It would be pretty sad if VMP furloughed anyone on their team. It's not like they're Third Man running physical production in house. They outsource everything. All of their direct employees should be able to work from home easily with their business model. Honestly they probably don't even really need an office. Not to mention the CS team is likely some of the lowest paid staff.
    Easily work from home? I don’t know about you but I’m working from home with the fastest internet available and a government issued laptop and everything is so damn slow I want to hurl it against the wall. I literally stare at loading screens and hourglasses all day then get fussed at for not getting enough done.
    Finally got my CXC in and into system. God willing that transport will last me as long as my Sony CD player, which will be moving back to the office.
    I've got some Polk L200's in on demo for a couple weeks. It should be fun!
    • Wow
    Reactions: AnthonyI
    Can't wait to hear more :)
    Went over a friend's today to try them up against a few other bookshelfs that he has. Spent about 5 hours listening and trying different combos. It was a fun day. This is technically all for another forum, but I'll share thoughts here too.
    Another forum 😲

    Just updated my interconnects going from the streamer to the amp. Everything is Zu Audio Mission on the interconnect front. Hard to beat for the price. Guess I'll be listing my BJCs now.
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    Interested to hear what you think of them going from BJCs (which is what I have). Do share! :)
    @Tyr - happy to share! My answer was long winded, so I'll send you a PM with more details.
    Cliffnotes: Zu Missions are smoother than the BJC, especially on the top end. The Zu's are not my all time favorite cables, but I don't know of any that beat them at the current ebay prices. It's not miles ahead of BJC, but certainly a little nicer.
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    Testing out 10w triode mode vs 20w pentode on the amp tonight. Should be exciting! Using several of the same tracks I used when I demoed my turntable plus a few new ones on both vinyl and CD.
    That decision was much easier than expected. I'll be running triode until I get new speakers, and will probably consider higher efficiency when the time comes. What's more interesting was the clear choice deciding track... Dr. Dre - The Next Episode. I had no idea the top end effects in that song could have such life and dimension to them!
    Most people these days binge watch TV shows. Today I've been binging music. I've been here so long that I've had to charge my computer twice already.
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