my opinion on black midi was kinda soiled by the fact i listened to mannequin pussy's amazing new album before it so i was kinda bound for dissapointment.. its a great album
bad news is yes UGK is either CD artwork or a JPEG
good news is i was offered free credits for it
bad news is i was already cancelling my sub so i wouldn't have a reason for it
i think king crimson is just a victim of overhype it seems... or maybe im just not big on progressive rock. maybe both, i dunno.. but i expected some life changing perfection that everyone keeps claiming it is, meanwhile i got bored of it 2 songs in
after 4 whole years with VMP.. i finally cancelled my subscription.. no bad blood with them, just the excitement has died. if they have an exciting exclusive i'll still buy it later on and take the shipping cost and probably just swap my essentials pick for the hip hop ROTM