Just had to figure out what 1/2 cup to a gallon ratio would be in a 24 oz bottle, and once again wished we used the metric system here for things other than science.
I'm wearing my good headphones instead of my earbuds at work today even though they're going to give me major headphone hair. Does this make me a hero? Maybe, I don't know.
For some reason, during today's listen to The King of Limbs, I'm suddenly noticing how Talking Heads a lot of the album is, in a very Radiohead way, of course.
Welp, this garbage week was the last nail in the coffin for me and social media. This site is now the only remotely social thing left that I use on the internet.
Guys, I'm Glad It's You's new album, Every Sun, Every Moon, is exactly why emo exists. Beautiful, heartbreaking, catchy, and well-crafted all the way through.
If you know a frontline health care worker, let them know you love and appreciate them! My sister's a respiratory therapist in a hospital, and the hours have been long and the emotional burden great, and I know her situation is anything but unique right now.
I'm forever stuck between the human impulse to have opinions and share my thoughts on things, and the knowledge that my opinions aren't worth anything except in a few select areas, which are topics no other humans around me want to talk about.
He's keeping his distance
He's giving us space
He's staying home
To keep others safe
Because he's chilling and typing and talking on Zoom
He's sitting and binging and ordering food
He's keeping his distance
Somebody is putting up "IMPEACH OBAMA" stickers on light poles in my neighborhood, and now I'm wondering if there's some wild new conspiracy theory I'm missing out on.