I see everyone here talk about their gear, and every now and then I realize that most of you would hear my set-up and run screaming in horror with your ears covered.
Being raised Mormon, with strict household rules about what I could watch or do on Sunday, I used to spend every Super Bowl Sunday dreaming about being able to watch it.
Is it "cancel culture" if a musician you've never heard of does something publicly stupid enough that now you've heard of them and then you continue not listening to them?
Oh... I have a good dilemma: after getting a record with a beat-up jacket, they refunded me. Now, do I live with a free but damaged copy, or use the refund to order a pristine copy?
Ready to return to my normal level of existential dread and political discontentment, rather than the elevated levels of each I've had for the last few years.
Pop open a bottle of bubbly
Here's to another god damn new year
And outside, two million drunk Bostonians
Are getting ready to sing "Auld Lang Syne" out of tune
I sit there in my easy chair, looking at the clouds, orange with celebration
And I wonder if you're out there
"On Doomsday!, ever since the womb ‘til I'm back where my brother went, that's what my tomb will say Right above my government; Dumile Either unmarked or engraved, hey, who's to say?"
Today, I'd like us all to remember the reason for this special day. It isn't about shopping or presents, it's about Rocky in that ring, facing Apollo Creed.
Got a random package today from Constellation Records, who I've ordered from a few times before. It contained Godspeed You! Black Emperor's Yanqui UXO on vinyl, with a note saying "Enjoy this classic from GYBE. Thanks for the support." Definitely made my day!
I know USPS is slammed right now, so I'm not mad or anything, but I had a package from Oregon get to San Jose, CA (about an hour from me), then two days later it showed up in Albany, NY. It just left West Virginia.