Thank you everyone for the site supported forced birthday greetings, there will be punch and pie in the café* to celebrate. *Due to recent budget cuts punch and pie have been cancelled this birthday.
Alright y'all, give me your favorite trip hop/ambient electronic groups/albums along the lines of things like Royksopp, Lamb, Portishead, Hundred Waters, Massive Attack etc... I need some new groups to listen to.
Informal poll, there's a big thunderstorm over top of your house. You have a surge protector.
Do you:
A. Unplug the surge protector from the wall thereby unplugging all of your gear.
B. Just turn off all your gear.
C. Rock on YOLO bitches!
Oh, oh good they're gone. Nothing to see here hahaha just ignore all that "Mather needs a performance booster" related stuff. Hahaha um, let's all just go about our business because ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAPPENED