The brand of speakers I own (Revel) just re-posted one of my instagram pics and credited me, am I famous now? I feel like I am.
Yessir, rarefied air up here my friends.
Yup, preeeetty impressive.
Pre-t-t-y fancy.
Weyes Blood Loser Ed. Travesty Pressing update №2. Third copy acquired, will attempt to improve on previous two copies by being A. Not shaped like a sun hat, and B. Not sound like a bowl of freshly poured rice crispies.
I'm so close to ordering an extra copy of each Doves reissue, because... after hearing these on my system I'm gunna wear out my first copies... This is dumb, but my finger is hovering here...
Weyes Blood travesty pressing update: Second copy is MUCH better than the first. I mean still lifeless and flat sounding as well as being unplayably wavy warped BUT no pop and crackle this time. Suckcess?
I'm sure it's already been said, but the Doves "Lost Souls" reissue is a revelation. It is, without any hyperbole, the most incredible thing I've heard yet on my system. Mind blowing. Truly an experience.
Okay, so in reference to my previous status post, this Weyes Blood Loser Edition pressing is HOT GARBAGE. Hissy, poppy mess that's flat as hell with no dynamism to the pressing.
Hey look at that, the monstrous warp on my VMP BBNG actually settled down enough on my shelf that I can actually spin it with my clamp now... that's nice.