Spent 20mins adding records to my basket to make use of the HMV 50% sale, only to realise it’s selected items and none of what I added qualifies. That will teach me not to rush in without reading it properly.
Very productive morning, I 'discovered' the Fontaines DC and absolutely love their sound. Put an order in for their latest one, if its anywhere near as good as 'Dogrel' I am in for a treat!
My 50yr old director, who loves Portishead, The Smiths, Elliot Smith, etc, got up at 5am for the UK launch of Taylors new album, and reviewed each track for us in a morning email. She's infectious for sure.
I bought a record off discogs and it came in way worse shape than the listing condition. I messaged the seller and he has responded by saying he uses his own rating system which is on his profile.... That cant be allowed, can it?
I've bought a record that has mold/mildew spots which I need to remove. I have posted a photo on the Record cleaning - what's your method? thread, and any advice would be much appreciated. Cheers team!
Might be a long shot, but if anyone has a sleeve for any De La Soul - 3 Feet High And Rising....and is in the UK I would be interested in it. Bought a copy without a sleeve!
My Grandma rang to say one of her neighbor's is moving and has left a box of records at her house for me. Im hoping it will be some rare jazz but in reality its likely to be the complete works of Barry Manilow!