Swung by my Local to pick up a couple records over my break. They kindly offered me a couple Jens Lekman tix for tonight’s show gratis! Looks like spending thousands of dollars at their store annually is starting to pay off!
I know lots of people understandably dislike Twitter but I had developed a healthy relationship with the platform. It’s a shame once Elon Musk takes it over I am gonna have to delete my account. Hopefully an alternative platform surfaces. Maybe I will give Instagram a go.
$3 buy per bracket entry via PayPal. Make sure you added a comment to your PayPal payment that Identifies your N&G User handle along with your Bracket entry. Good Luck! PayPal: darebear81@hotmail.com Get in the action now: Group: N&G Record Breakers Password: BobbyNightRanger...
$3 buy per bracket entry via PayPal. Make sure you added a comment to your PayPal payment that Identifies your N&G User handle along with your Bracket entry. Good Luck! PayPal: darebear81@hotmail.com Get in the action now: Group: N&G Record Breakers Password: BobbyNightRanger...
What’s better; The US Olympic Ice Dancing Team doing a routine to Daft Punk or Sofia Coppola doing a gymnastics floor routine to Chemical Brothers? Vote Below.