The Dark Side; Digital audio equipment recommendations and setup.

Trying To Replace My D-03x- Act 4

The Marantz 30n arrived this morning. I really dig the way it looks in person. The subtle backlight is cool. Looking forward to seeing it in a dark room. Sounds great out of the box.. no switching sounds on the Roon playlists. No complaints. I prefer Filter 1 in my setup so far.
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There were a couple of things that sounded better with filter 2 on my CD60 but the need for my line in and the fact that I thought coax through the internal on the 3050 sounded a millimeter better than the dac on the marantz means I just get filter one all the time. I would assume the DAC in the 30n is far superior.
I've been evaluating a PS Audio DirectStream DAC MK1 (DSD) for the past week or so. I posted about it in the Incoming! thread. I plan to offer some more thoughts on it this weekend.

I've been comparing the DSD to the DAC in my EverSolo A8 and my Geshelli Labs J2S which both have AKM 4499 chips. TLDR: I prefer the 4499 sound over the DSD. I prefer the J2S w/ Sparkos 3602 over the A8. The DSD will be returned.

While in the DAC rabbit hole I started looking at other Op Amp options for the J2S and ordered a Sparkos 2590 Dual for the SE socket and a couple of Burson V7 Vivids for the Balanced sockets.

If feel like I'm going to have 3x - 4x my spend to better the J2S. I'm going to play with the Op Amps and decide whether to stay in the Geshelli Labs family and get something like the Dayzee DAC or check out the latest hotness from Schiit, Denafrips, or Laiv.

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I meant to post this here. My final thoughts on the PS Audio DirectStream DAC mk1, but wrote it up in the 'Incoming' thread. Anyway it's in 2 place now.
have been acquiring a bunch of the HDTT DSD downloads and man.....some of these are really excellent. the Miles Davis - Someday My Prince Will Come DSD is excellent. I think they still have a sale going on right now.
What’s the sale? Same as over the holidays?
Op Amp Rolling!

I recently tried out a PS Audio DirectStream Mk1 DAC. I had heard a lot of good things about them and thought it would be a nice fit with my PS Audio BHK Pramp. TLDR: I wasn’t impressed and returned it. I found my existing DACs, EverSolo A8 and Geshelli Labs J2S to be superior in terms of soundstage, clarity and dynamics.

Instead of ordering another DAC to try I decided to roll some Op Amps in my J2S. I ordered the unit with Sparkos 3602 op amps in the SE and Balanced slots and have been enjoying that setup for about a year. To see if I could improve the sound of the J2S I picked up a Sparkos Dual 2590 for the SE slot and a pair of Burson V7 Vivids for the balanced slots. You can’t fit dual 2590s in the balanced slots of the J2S. An upgrade to a J3 would be needed to do that.

So did they new op amps change/improve the sound. The short answer is yes. But not dramatically. The 2590 into my Kinki amp was a noticeable difference. It was similar to the 3602, but just more. More soundstage depth and weight to the music. this difference stood out most when I put the 3602 back into the SE slot after listening to the 2590 for about a week. That said, the 3602 sounds really good.

The V7 Vivids in the balanced slots were also very good. They push the sound in a slightly warner direction compared to the 3602 and are comparable in terms of soundstage. The Vivids are also a touch more detailed while still remaining smooth. I’m also going to give the edge to the V7 in terms of the sense of air and space between instruments. These differences are very small and not something I could call out if I wasn’t going back and forth between the op amps. This difference stood out to me most when listening to Neil Young - Cowgirl in the Sand. On lesser equipment the dueling guitars and bass line can sometimes get smeared making it hard to distinguish between them. The 3602 does not have this problem, but I heard more distinction in the instruments with the V7s. Another song where this popped was Rolling Stones - Can You Here Me Knocking. All the guitars where easy to distinguish and hear clearly.

Was the op amp rolling worth it? Yes and no. Yes because I got to experiment and scratched a curiosity itch. No in that the 3602 are really good and while the changes to sound were noticeable, they weren’t game changers. The other plus, is I now have some extra op amps and will experiment with rolling them in my Kinki amp. Stay tuned!

Although I am still getting PCM reading on the DAC...
I guess the Node is not staying native DSD.

Still happy to see the update and keep my 2021 N130 streamer going for the foreseeable future.
Although I am still getting PCM reading on the DAC...
I guess the Node is not staying native DSD.

Still happy to see the update and keep my 2021 N130 streamer going for the foreseeable future.
The manuals state that if you are streaming it will convert it to PCM. You have to have the source hardwired.