I've placed three Merchbar orders over the last two months and all three were in stock when I bought them, but now they're all backordered again. Seriously?
<Jerry Seinfeld voice> What's the deal with Merchbar?
The Gorillaz w2 set was crazy. Lots more guests than weekend one, including Beck, Bad Bunny, Mos Def, Little Simz alongside everybody who performed last week.(Del The Funkee Homosapien, De La Soul, Bootie Brown, Thundercat, etc.)
Went to see Snail Mail locally tonigt. It feels good to go to concerts again. This was the first one we've been to since our daughter was born. And opening act Water From Your Eyes really impressed me. We bought their last album at the merch table and I already pre-ordered the new one that comes out in May.
I spotted Eels frontman Mark Oliver Everett in a brief one-line role in Ant Man but had no idea that he was in the film because his father was quantum physicist Hugh Everett III and the originator of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum theory
Spotify has rolled out a new DJ feature that plays songs it thinks you might like (and some you've already played) alongside an AI generated DJ named Xavier, who talks between songs.
Personalization is at the heart of what we do at Spotify—just think of fan-favorite playlists like Discover Weekly, or our annual Wrapped campaign. The beauty of these experiences is our ability to deliver the right piece of music for that exact moment in time, and maybe even connect you with...
My uncle released his first song in quite awhile and it's a great one. I've mentioned him here before because he started performing in the 70's in bands like Daniel Amos and The Swirling Eddies.