2024 July Challenge Thread - Welcome to Japan! (日本へようこそ!)


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2019
Portland, OR
Welcome to the July 2024 vinyl challenge thread! I am a first-time host for a challenge thread.
As you may have seen in previous posts (mostly in Café thread), I have visited Japan twice in the span of a calendar year. I loved both of my trips so much, with my solo trip this year being my favorite. Next year, I’ll be traveling with my younger brother, his partner, and another friend of theirs. I intend on making annual trips from now on, so long as financials allow.
I am centering this challenge around my travels in Japan, with a photo from my archives and an episodic format in anime fashion for each day of the challenge. The events are not in chronological order. The spin challenge for the day may not necessarily be related to the episode title.
Same as previous months:
  • The vinyl challenge is not intended to be a competition. No one participating can be eliminated.
  • Try to play a record that hasn't been played for that day/prompt. Catch up on a few days if you need to.
    • Please don’t post spin a record for a prompt days ahead of time.
  • Feel free to add a caption to your posts, if you like.
Have a good time.

Funasshi Mascot GIF - Funasshi Mascot Running Away - Discover & Share GIFs
Week 1

Day 1 / 2024.S7.E1 - Welcome to Japan! (日本へようこそ!)
Even on my first trip (this picture is the first I took on this year’s trip), culture shock was real. Everything moves quickly, processes are streamlined, and first time travelers are easy to spot. Play a record with something related to Japan (artist born there or has Japanese heritage; Japanese culture/building/food present on cover, was recorded in Japan, Japanese lyrics, etc.).

Day 2 / 2024.S7.E2 - A Once in a Lifetime Opportunity (一期一会)
Being in Kenrokuen (兼六園) was unlike any other outdoor space I have set foot in, nothing compared to its sheer scope, beauty, and tranquility (when there were spaces free of talkative tourists). It seemed that no matter where you were standing in the space of the historic garden, the possibility of taking a fantastic photo was highly probable. One of the most impressive places that I’ve ever seen in my life. Play a record that became important to you on first listen (or shortly after).

Day 3 / 2024.S7.E3 - Childhood Memories (子供時代の思い出)
Stopping into a Studio Ghibli store is a common tourist spending drain…especially with the rapid depreciation of the JPY 💴 ➡️ USD 💵 . Everything from pot holders, tees, stuffed animals, enamel pins, mugs, you name it. There’s are a bevy of Ghibli stores in the country, this one was taken from when visiting Kamakura (鎌倉) during the last few days of this year’s visit. It even has multiple floors to hold all of the stock. Play a soundtrack.

Day 4 / 2024.S7.E4 - Why are there so many like this? (どうしてこんな物が多くあるん?)
In Yokohama, the Cup Noodles Museum is a popular tourist attraction for its cheap entrance fee and, of course, the ability to customize your own instant cup noodles! Very popular with families, and I made sure to have one customized at the end of the museum. Cup Noodles was invented in 1971 by Momofuku Ando (安藤百福), and is often referenced as one of the greatest inventions in history. Even with the various flavors and varieties available, I sometimes can’t taste a difference. Play a record that has at least four vinyl variants (LP color, pressing, etc.).

Day 5 / 2024.S7.E5 - Simplicity (単純)
Japanese art often focuses on minimalism…preventing the background distracting from the subject as much as possible. Sometimes a simple subject is all that is necessary to convey a message. Play a record that gives you cause for you to think over the course of its runtime. It does not necessarily have to be an ambient/minimal record, but rather something that allows you to reflect on what you are hearing.

Day 6 / 2024.S7.E6 - In another season… (別な季節に)
Maruyama Park (円山公園) was a beautiful respite last year…right before the tourist chaos of Kiyomizu Temple (清水寺) with its winding, uneven walkways and shops from end to end. As lovely as the park was, seeing the red colors juxtaposed against the remainder of scenery had me thinking that the park's appearance could transform entirely in autumn, especially since our group missed the prime of sakura season. Play a record that pairs well with autumn/fall.
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Week 2

Day 7 / 2024.S7.E7 - Everything, Everywhere All at Once (万事、随所同時に)
Inside the chaos of the department store that is Don Quixote (ドン・キホーテ), you’ll find something that appeals to you. Cosmetics, highly discounted snacks at late hours, branded penguin mascot merch, backpacks/luggage, Japanese whiskey, stationery, full meals/bento, yeah…this place has it all. Overwhelming, and across multiple floors with some of the most colorful and garish price stickers/advertising you’ll see. Oftentimes the discount/blowout racks are so overstuffed that items fall to the ground. The penguin mascot even has a different appearance/costume for each location across Japan! Play a record featuring over the top production or that doesn’t let up from start to finish.

Day 8 / 2024.S7.E8 - No Music, No Life (音楽なし、生活なし)
Tower Records is a massive tourist spot in Shibuya, with seven floors for media (vinyl, CDs, cassettes, posters, etc.), a floor for a cafe, and an event space on the rooftop! Mostly new, sealed releases to be found here. Play a record that you recently purchased (within the last three months) from your local record store.

Day 9 / 2024.S7.E9 - A Crowded Trek (混んでいた旅)
Fushimi Inari Shrine (伏見稲荷大社) is the most well-known shrine in Kyoto, with several thousand Toori gates (鳥居) leading to there. The journey takes roughly ~90min to hike up there, with plenty of rest stops and souvenir shops along the way. It is crowded at the start of the journey, but the majority of those on the path, particularly influencers and older tourists, stop after about 10min at the first rest stop or two and head back, making for a far more peaceful ascent. Play a record that is at least 90min long.

Day 10 / 2024.S7.E10 - Ten People, Ten Colors (十人十色)
This is mentaiko (明太子; spicy pollack roe), the first food I tasted in Japan. I asked the waiter in this izakaya for a recommendation, and he suggested it. While I enjoy it and certainly don’t mind having it as part of a Japanese meal, my younger brother and father were grossed out after the first bite. Relating to the episode title, it is a Japanese proverb meaning that in a diverse world that we have, everyone has the right to their own opinions; “to each their own.” Play a record you enjoy that maybe the general consensus has a mixed (or even negative!) impression on. Maybe even the N&G consensus!

Day 11 / 2024.S7.E11 - The Starry Sky (星空)
My father took this photo after we got drinks + yakitori in a bar in Kobe (神戸). The perfect conditions were cast down on the Mosaic District in Kobe along with this starry sky: warm temp, no wind, only a few tourists, and the calm port of Kobe made for a scenic wonder, even with the urban surroundings. I only wish that we took a ride in the ferris wheel here during these hours. Play a record that resonates differently at nighttime hours.

Day 12 / 2024.S7.E12 - A Unique Creature (個性的な生き物)
These giant salamanders are vulnerable to extinction, and are the first thing that you see after walking through the entrance at the Kyoto Aquarium. I’ve never seen these creatures before in my life, and the tank seemed way too cramped for an animal of its size. The aquarium wants to hammer home how rare this species is by shoving a bunch of giant salamander merch down your throat at the gift shop at the end…could’ve sworn about a quarter of the available purchasable products were of that variety. Play a record that has less than 300 copies in “Have” across all LP variants on Discogs.

Day 13 / 2024.S7.E13 - An Eternal Festival (永遠な祭り)
A common sightseeing stop in Yokohama is the Red Brick Warehouse, with several food vendors, restaurants, souvenirs, and free upstairs views onto the port of Yokohama. On this day, a festival ran well into the night with several street food vendors outside, taiko drum groups, local dance groups (to American music lol), and a few singers performing. There is a well-manicured series of flower arrangements to the side, with one having a walkable path and gate through! This area of Yokohama, weather permitting, always holds an event in this space to draw locals and tourists alike. Play a record featuring an LGBT artist or artist/band that has a core LGBT audience.
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Week 3

Day 14 / 2024.S7.E14 - Everyday Guardians (日常な保護者)
I came across cats when walking to and from public areas, seemingly with no owners. They seem to be more common near graveyards, parks, and children’s playground structures. One time outside in Maruyama Park (円山公園), I found both a black and tabby cat to the left of a teahouse on a small island of a four-direction intersection. I wonder if they are strays…a few other cats had some scratch marks on their sides and prompted grumpy hisses when some tourists attempted to pet them. Play a record featuring a common household pet on the cover art (dog, cat, rabbit, fish, bird, etc.)

Day 15 / 2024.S7.E15 - Bad Joke Eel (悪い冗談のウツボ)
I tried to fit a joke in the form of the moray eel meme, but puns don’t translate that well to Japanese. Moray eels (ウツボ) have a kind of dumbfounded, funny look to them. This pair of eels were in a fish tank right next to the entrance of the Don Quixote in Asakusa. Play a record with intentional comedic elements/lyrics.

Day 16 / 2024.S7.E16 - Even Monkeys Fall From Trees (猿も木から落ちる)
The monkeys in Arashiyama Monkey Park (嵐山モンキーパーク) are fun to watch and observe at the top of mile-long hike on a hill. You can even feed them snacks in a central area behind a cage for cheap. But the title in the prompt/episode title is also a common Japanese proverb; a metaphor meaning no matter how skilled or talented anyone may be at their craft, anyone can make a mistake. Play a record that you might have regretted purchasing for whatever reason (outright didn’t enjoy, ignored Discogs warnings, realized it was already owned, artist/band turned out to be problematic, etc.). Alternatively, play an album that you regretted selling and ultimately purchased again later!

Day 17 / 2024.S7.E17 - Legends Only (伝説のみ)
Only once did I wait in line for >30min at a restaurant in Japan; at Usagi Ramen (うさぎラーメン) [lit. “rabbit ramen”]. Despite the name, they don’t use rabbit meat anywhere in their meals. They have a very brief schedule of business hours: 11:30 AM - 2:30 PM on weekdays. But the main reason I made it a destination is because the restaurant is owned by Nao Seba, the younger brother of legendary producer/beatsmith Nujabes. The restaurant specializes in tantanmen (担々麵; Chinese spicy noodles with minced meat), but they have several other ramen varieties available.The line outside the door ran about 15 people deep before opening, and with only 12 seats inside the establishment, getting there early is practically mandatory given the three-hour window. They don’t allow photos inside the restaurant, so this photo of the outside sign is all I have. Inside, the staff play Nujabes music all throughout the day, making for a very relaxed atmosphere. It isn’t some tourist trap place either; the ramen I ate was of surprisingly high quality. I’m dragging my brother here next year. Play a hip hop/rap record.

Day 18 / 2024.S7.E18 - Convenient…or is it? (便利だね? それともあんまりない?)
Vending machines. Vending machines everywhere. You can’t escape them; over 5.5M exist across the entire country, or more than one for every 25 citizens. In the common tourist areas, most carry the same items (water, Coke products, tea, coffee, etc.) but there are vending machines that sell non-practical items (holiday ornaments, plastic toys, fake eyelashes, frozen beef, etc.) in a few trendy areas. The point being, they are ubiquitous and so…Play a record that has never been at risk of being out of print.

Day 19 / 2024.S7.E19 - The Art of Flower Arrangement (生け花)
The art form in Japan known as “Ikebana” (生け花) has existed for multiple centuries. The purpose of this art is for flowers to be ornately arranged to appear as if they are communicating with the observer; a life of their own. Branches and leaves which the artist sees as extraneous are delicately trimmed and those that remain are manicured with precision. As large or dense as a beautiful plant may be, sometimes the size and colors may be overwhelming to concentrate on specific attributes. Even a pair of branches with a single color background can communicate a unique, cohesive vision of unity, order, or maybe even a familial relationship. Play a record that features flora (flowers, trees, shrubs, plants) on the album cover.

Day 20 / 2024.S7.E20 - I’d Buy That for a Dollar (一ドルで買うよ)
DAISO (ダイソー) is a common ¥100 store, the equivalent of a dollar store in the USA. With the current strength of the USD over Japanese Yen, it is really more like a $0.60 store to me. Shopping at stores like these alone, one can purchase a majority of the essentials for their apartment on the cheap, with silverware, bowls, ponchos, shower curtains, stationery, and many more. They are common tourist spots as well for cheap souvenirs to take home. I remember my father buying a 100pc container of Q-tip/cotton swab equivalents from DAISO last year, they were very comfortable to use. Play a record that was purchased for cheap (given that prices of vinyl have increased substantially, this threshold will be at $15 USD or less).
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Day 1 / 2024.S7.E1 - Welcome to Japan! (日本へようこそ!)
Play a record with something related to Japan (artist born there or has Japanese heritage; Japanese culture/building/food present on cover, was recorded in Japan, Japanese lyrics, etc.).

Check, check, check and check...

喜多嶋修 (Osamu Kitajima) - Benzaiten

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Day 1 / 2024.S7.E1 - Welcome to Japan! (日本へようこそ!)
Play a record with something related to Japan (artist born there or has Japanese heritage; Japanese culture/building/food present on cover, was recorded in Japan, Japanese lyrics, etc.).

I think the only other person I've seen spin this here was our host @Rip_City...

Midori Takada – Through The Looking Glass
We Release Whatever The Fuck We Want Records – WRWTFWW018, 1983/2017

2x45 RPM

Cut by Frederic Stader at Emil Berliner Studios
Pressed at Optimal


Day 1 / 2024.S7.E1 - Welcome to Japan! (日本へようこそ!)

The RC Succession – Beat Pops

RC Succession (Japanese: RCサクセション, Hepburn: Āru Shī Sakuseshon) was an influential Japanese rock band from Tokyo, formed in 1968. One of Japan's longest-running bands, it went through many line-up changes over the years with front man Kiyoshiro Imawano and bassist Kazuo Kobayashi the only constant members, before disbanding in January 1991.
In 2003, HMV Japan ranked RC Succession at No. 16 on their list of the "Top 100 Japanese Pops Artists".
In September 2007, Rolling Stone Japan rated their 1980 live album Rhapsody at No. 2 and their 1988 cover album Covers at No. 41 on its list of the "100 Greatest Japanese Rock Albums of All Time".
Covers was named number 1 on Bounce's 2009 list of "54 Standard Japanese Rock Albums".

@Hemotep put me onto these guys a while back, and we've both gone a little nuts acquiring most of their catalogue in short order since. Really great stuff!