I've fallen over a week behind, so apologies in advance for the lengthy post. Just trying to catch up real quick, so I'll probably keep most of my thoughts limited to a sentence or two.
The Blair Witch Project (1999)

Found footage done right. I get this movie is an acquired taste, but it does actually creep me out, mostly because I'm used to hearing weird sounds out in the woods and know firsthand how freaky it can be. The acting is also really good, the performances really help convincingly portray the characters' descent into madness.

"That's your motivation!" The found footage subgenre catches a lot of flack, and not all of it is undeserved. However, I defy anyone to look me in the eyes and tell me that The Blair Witch Project isn't one of the most effective uses of the format ever put to screen. Given what an unlikely pop...
Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (2000)

I have mixed feelings on this one. I actually like the idea of making it sort of a meta commentary on the success of the first movie, but they don't really do as much with that premise as they could have. If it didn't have the
Blair Witch name attached to it, I'd say it probably wouldn't have such a negative reputation these days and would be mostly remembered as just another teen horror flick from the early 2000s.

Honestly not sure what to make of this. It's such a blatant cash-grab that you almost have to admire the transparency. I can respect when the people put in charge of a sequel know from the outset there's no chance of one-upping the original, so they instead just do something different entirely...
Candyman (1992)

First time watching this and it did not disappoint! Tony Todd is awesome (as always) and the story is gripping the whole way through. It's got a unique atmosphere from any other slasher of its time, and considering it was made in 1992, the themes of race and class are handled very well and with a lot more decorum than you'd expect.

"Be my victim." Seeing as I already watched Hellraiser and Nightbreed this season, I figured I might as well add another Clive Barker creation into the mix. I was excited to finally give this a watch and it definitely lived up to the hype. The atmosphere and direction are top-notch, the story is...
Saw (2004)

I think this is a case where the quality of the first film in a franchise kind of got overshadowed by how many sequels they ended up making based off the premise. I still like this first one, though. A solid, well-acted, intriguing murder mystery story.

The film that spawned not only a staggering amount of sequels, but arguably an entire subgenre, Saw's ubiquity in pop culture has turned what was once a thrilling standalone piece of character-driven horror into the genesis of a full-fledged franchise. I can't say that I blame anyone for wanting...
Bring It On: Cheer or Die (2022)

I knew this was going to be bad before I even pressed play, but I was hoping it would at least be fun bad. Unfortunately, there was little fun to be had here. Disappointing, because there's so many ways a slasher movie starring cheerleaders could have worked, but instead the writers banked on making the script self-aware of how stupid the concept is to excuse having to actually try, and that just kills the bit for me immediately. The cheerleading wasn't even shot well. Almost no redeeming value, other than maybe that the lead actress was really cute. Hopefully she gets to be in some better movies than this garbage in the future.
Talk about wasted potential. The allure of the Bring It On franchise making their latest installment a full-on slasher movie starring cheerleaders was too good of a bit for me to ignore, but I can't recommend this even on the basis of dumb fun. They were clearly attempting to lean into the...