6th Annual N&G 31 Days* of Halloween (2024)


Well-Known Member
*yes...we are doing 60+ days again, so we all have time to watch the movies we want to watch.

Just like previous years,, this isn't a contest - just a thread to post and rate and, if you want to, review the Halloween/Horror movies or TV shows you watch during the season.

Post the name of the movie, rating and your thoughts on it if you want to - if you post spoilers, please use the spoiler tags.

We can use the skull emoji as a rating system....

💀 - Not worth watching ever again.
💀 💀
💀 💀 💀 - Average
💀 💀 💀 💀
💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 - Best movie of all time.

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I've been REALLY looking forward to this!!!
(I've even made a list or two in preparation!)

My big goal this year is to actually hit 31.
My little goal is to watch more than 10, which will put me above the past two years combined. 😂
Here's my list of 70's horror movies to continue with this year. If anyone has any must see movies to add to it, let me know!

A Bay Of Blood ('71) ☑️
Don't Look Now ('73) ☑️
The Exorcist ('73) ☑️
Black Xmas ('74) ☑️
Texas Chainsaw Massacre ('74) ☑️
The Wicker Man ('74) ✅
Jaws ('75)
The Tenant ('76)
The Omen ('76)
Carrie ('76)
Eraserhead ('77)
The Hills Have Eyes ('77)
Suspiria ('77)
Jaws 2 ('78)
Dawn Of The Dead ('78)
Halloween ('78)
The Brood ('79)
Phantasm ('79)
Nosferatu ('79)
Alien ('79)
Salem's Lot ('79)
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Extensive yet non-exhaustive list of recent/upcoming horror releases to keep your spooky season watches fresh.

TitleAccess (Sep.–Oct.)Notes
AfrAIdTheaters (Aug. 30)
Alien: RomulusTheater
A Quiet Place: Day 1Paramount+
AzraelShudder (Sep. 27)
Beetlejuice BeetlejuiceTheaters
Civil WarMAX
Creeping DeathScreambox
CuckooVOD (Sep. 17)
Daddy's HeadShudder (Oct. 11)
Destroy All NeighborsShudder
Don't Turn Out the LightsVOD (Sep. 6)
Grave TortureNetflix (Sep. 17)New Joko Anwar movie
Handling the UndeadHULU (Sep. 17)
Hell HoleShudder
Hold Your BreathHULU (Oct. 3)
Horror in the High Desert 3VOD
ImaginaryVODSVOD Starz (Sep. 4)?
In A Violent NatureShudder (Sep. 13)
Invoking YellVOD (Sep. 20)
It's What's InsideNetflix (Oct. 4)
Late Night With the DevilShudder
Lisa FrankensteinPrime
Loop TrackShudder/Arrow
Love Lies BleedingMAX
MadsShudder (Oct. 11)
Milk & SerialYouTube (FREE)
Never Let GoTheaters (Sep. 20)
Night of the HarvestVOD (Sep. 24)
Night SwimPrime
NO VOLTEESTubi (Sep. 20)
No Way UpAMC+
OddityShudder (Sep. 27)
Out of DarknessVOD
Salem's Lot (2024)MAX (Oct. 3)
Skeletons in the ClosetShudder
Smile 2Theaters (Oct. 18)
Speak No EvilTheaters (Sep. 13)Original on Shudder
Starve AcreVOD
Strange DarlingTheaters
SubservienceTheater/VOD (Sep. 13)
Terrifier 3Theaters (Oct. 11)
The BeastCriterion
The Coffee TableVODAppeared on TUBI but got removed
The DeliveranceNetflix (Aug. 30)
The Demon DisorderShudder (Sep. 6)
The Devil's BathShudder
The First OmenHULU
The Front RoomTheaters (Sep. 6)
The InheritanceVOD
The Mouse TrapPeacock (Oct. 1)
The Platform 2Netflix (Oct. 4)
The SubstanceTheaters (Sep. 20)
The VeilVOD (Oct. 4)
The VourdolakVOD
The WatchersMAX
TrapPVOD (Aug. 30)
UzumakiMAX (Sep. 29)
V/H/S BeyondShudder (Oct. 4)
What You Wish ForHULU (Sep. 27)
You'll Never Find MeShudder
Your MonsterTheaters (Oct. 25)
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Legacy series/franchises in as consolidated viewing as possible.

Series not listed here are piece are most likely too scattered to lay back and press play on. But if you're up for the work, both ReelGood and Just Watch are great ways to track titles down.

FranchisesMost ConsolidatedScattered Sources
Blair Witch‎Peacock
The Conjuring Universe1–3, Annabell, The Nun: NetflixThe Nun 2: MAX
Critters1–4: Tubi/Plex
The Evil DeadTBD
Friday the 13th1–8 : MAX
Halloween1, 4–5: Shudder | 2–3, '18, Kills: Peacock | 6, H20, Res.: Paramount+
Hellraiser1–9: PlutoTV1–2: Prime, Shudder, Arrow, Tubi
Monsterverse‎ (New Godzilla/Kong)MAX
Mr. Vampire‎Criterion
The MummyPeacock
A Nightmare on Elm StreetTBD
The OmenHULU
One Missed Call‎Arrow Player / Screambox
Paranormal Activity1–5: Max, 6: Prime
Phantasm1, 3–5: Peacock
The Purge‎1–3: Peacock
Saw1–7: MAX/Peacock1, 3–7, 9: HULU, 8: Netflix
Scream1–4: MAX
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Hooptober challenge on Letterboxd has been announced! Took me under 3 hours to put together my plan for meeting all challenge criteria and then some:

I jumped the gun by a few hours, but it was after midnight Eastern, so it counts!
I nearly started up right when the initial post went up since I was laid up with Covid - but I caught up on some television and Star Wars comics in the meantime betweentime.
Anyhoo, started things off pretty light.


Killer Klowns from Outer Space
[1988] 💀💀💀💀

Over-the-top ridiculous fun! I went with a hybrid rating for this one since there's a lot about the movie that is decidedly not great, like a lot of the writing and acting, but goddamn if it doesn't just tickle all the right bits for me to find it extremely enjoyable in spite of all that. Which is obviously why it's a B-Movie classic. The practical effects and set design are where the movie really shines, and in its steadfast commitment to the bit, despite the nonsense of it all. And John Vernon is a hoot!

And the theme song is a belter! 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

Children of the Corn
[1984] 💀 💀 💀

Another classic. I never did get around to watching this one before now, despite having read King's short story 35 years, or so, ago. Far more enjoyable than I expected. And outside of some absolutely laughable visual effects in the final act, and a(n un)healthy dose of early 80s white male arrogance, it stands up quite well 40 years later. Not particularly scary, and almost certainly would have been better with a darker ending more akin to the short story, but a very enjoyable film nevertheless. John Franklin was particularly awesome.
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Galaxy of Terror
[1981] 💀 💀 💀 💀

Holy hell this one hit all the notes for me! Spectacularly cheesy and thrilling B-Movie sci-fi with horror elements, Sid Haig and Robert Englund, produced by Roger Corman = what's not to love?! Maybe the rapey tentacle porn segment, but even that feels like exactly the kind of exploitation you'd see in a flick like this. Originally I intended to watch something much heavier last night but then the evening went pretty sidewise and got intense, so I decided to hit up the Roger Corman collection on Shudder and this is what I wound up with - I'd never heard of it until this week, and I'm kind of mad at myself for that. I will definitely be re-watching this one, and sharing it with the friends I should've watched it with 25 years ago too!
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Mostly worked through non-horror titles in an effort to reduce the glut of foreign language films on my watch list this weekend.
Managed to include one in the mix, though.

The Living Skeleton (1968), on Criterion Channel, occupies a cozy place alongside B-classics by Corman and Whale. Part nautical ghost story, part revenge thriller. It's wild that this is one of only a few directorial efforts to Matsuno's name. Breezy runtime too!


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Galaxy of Terror
[1981] 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀

Holy hell this one hit all the notes for me! Spectacularly cheesy and thrilling B-Movie sci-fi with horror elements, Sid Haig and Robert Englund, produced by Roger Corman = what's not to love?! Maybe the rapey tentacle porn segment, but even that feels like exactly the kind of exploitation you'd see in a flick like this. Originally I intended to watch something much heavier last night but then the evening went pretty sidewise and got intense, so I decided to hit up the Roger Corman collection on Shudder and this is what I wound up with - I'd never heard of it until this week, and I'm kind of mad at myself for that. I will definitely be re-watching this one, and sharing it with the friends I should've watched it with 25 years ago too!

I saw that Joe Bob had this on his marathon last week, so I'm planning to watch it eventually.
Woo, shoutout to @LeeVing for getting this thread up and running once again! I look forward to it every year. I started watching on the first but just getting around to posting today 👻

The Return of the Living Dead (1985)
Kicking this year off with this wacky cult classic zombie flick. I actually tried to put this one on years ago, but I must have been extremely tired because I nodded off about twenty minutes in and didn't wake up until the credits started rolling, so I'm essentially considering this a first-time viewing.

While zombies aren't necessarily my favorite variety of movie monster, when they're done right, it can result in a gory good time, such is the case here. Steeped in 80s punk aesthetics and tons of gooey special effects, this one gets major points for being one of the more creative and influential takes on the zombie genre out there. It not only helped establish now common ideas such as zombies being nigh indestructible and having a particular penchant for brains, but it's one of the first zombie films that I'm aware of to try and offset the horror with a wickedly dark sense of humor, no doubt setting the stage for future zom-coms like Shaun of the Dead or Zombieland. It's a lot of fun!

Rating: 💀💀💀💀
The Mummy (2017)
This one, not so fun. I've been putting off watching this infamous reboot since it came out back in 2017 and I probably should have just kept it that way, but I always want to give things a fair shake and see if I can find something of value in even the most unloved motion pictures. Unfortunately, this is a case where the consensus was pretty accurate.

This is Exhibit A in showing that not everything needs to be a "cinematic universe." It feels especially sad to say that about the Universal Monsters of all things, considering they pretty much invented the concept, but the way they tried to reintroduce the idea of a "Dark Universe" in this is just really lame. It's a blatant copying of the MCU blueprint, just with Russell Crowe's Dr. Jekyll serving as a stand-in for Nick Fury. I don't know about anyone else, but trying to turn monsters into superheroes just doesn't do anything for me.

Even without the Dark Universe stuff awkwardly shoved in the middle of it, though, this still would fall flat on its own merits. The few interesting ideas it has (swapping the gender roles, having Cruise's dead friend appear to him American Werewolf in London-style) are undermined by how dry and lifeless the whole thing feels. I'd assume this was a completely different project before Tom Cruise got involved, because it doesn't seem like the movie knows what it wants to be. While the 90s remake of The Mummy definitely leaned more into action-adventure territory than straightforward horror, it was at least still somewhat recognizable as an update of the Universal classic. This, however, basically just comes off as a supernatural Mission: Impossible movie, but not even remotely as cool as that premise would suggest.

The two skulls I'm giving it are probably generous, but the rare moments when it forgets to be a Tom Cruise vanity project and remembers to be a Mummy movie are occasionally fun, and Sofia Boutella is beautiful. Can we petition for her Mummy to be in a better movie than this please?

Rating: 💀💀