The Mummy (2017)

This one, not so fun. I've been putting off watching this infamous reboot since it came out back in 2017 and I probably should have just kept it that way, but I always want to give things a fair shake and see if I can find something of value in even the most unloved motion pictures. Unfortunately, this is a case where the consensus was pretty accurate.
This is Exhibit A in showing that not everything needs to be a "cinematic universe." It feels especially sad to say that about the Universal Monsters of all things, considering they pretty much invented the concept, but the way they tried to reintroduce the idea of a "Dark Universe" in this is just really lame. It's a blatant copying of the MCU blueprint, just with Russell Crowe's Dr. Jekyll serving as a stand-in for Nick Fury. I don't know about anyone else, but trying to turn monsters into superheroes just doesn't do anything for me.
Even without the Dark Universe stuff awkwardly shoved in the middle of it, though, this still would fall flat on its own merits. The few interesting ideas it has (swapping the gender roles, having Cruise's dead friend appear to him
American Werewolf in London-style) are undermined by how dry and lifeless the whole thing feels. I'd assume this was a completely different project before Tom Cruise got involved, because it doesn't seem like the movie knows what it wants to be. While the 90s remake of
The Mummy definitely leaned more into action-adventure territory than straightforward horror, it was at least still somewhat recognizable as an update of the Universal classic. This, however, basically just comes off as a supernatural
Mission: Impossible movie, but not even remotely as cool as that premise would suggest.
The two skulls I'm giving it are probably generous, but the rare moments when it forgets to be a Tom Cruise vanity project and remembers to be a
Mummy movie are occasionally fun, and Sofia Boutella is
beautiful. Can we petition for her Mummy to be in a better movie than this please?