Coming at this from the point of view of someone who was in the mix when the exodus was tossed upon us, I think, for me, and maybe a few others it boils down to a simple thing.
WE disliked what was happening at the VMP forum, they didn't like it either and decided to gag us by closing the forum and then dropping the "...what would you do with more time" gauntlet. Well, a few of us came together and with the help of an amazing community showed them exactly what we could do.
BUT, in doing so we, N&G, has pretty much helped VMP, and it was our own doing. The admins, myself included, understood that there was going to be this overlap of grey area and division and also had to take into account that VMP was the reason this community and it's members existed in the first place, so a more understanding and flexible approach was taken.
But now, almost a year later, and I speak for myself, you're out of your mind if you think the mythical NEW VMP forum is even a thought, we've given VMP their forum and it exists within N&G. I personally don't think WE, N&G, owes VMP a damn thing, and while I understand the mind set of "This is a music forum and VMP is about music and we want to talk about them......." and so on, I can't help but feel like we're being taken advantage of, but those who are still subscribers to VMP aren't going to see that because we, N&G, is providing the service
VMP isn't and won't, ever.
The Admins can make their choices, I stay clear of the VMP forums for the most part, I'm even done arguing, there is too much OTHER stuff to enjoy here to even waste my time with that.
My advice to
@Teeeee and the rest of us with her is to ignore it, as much as I hate to say it, we kind of need to move on because it's a waste of time, effort and energy. I stay plenty busy outside the VMP forums, and while I don't think they deserve, and I say they, VMP, not the members, more then 1 forum, it was decided and now it's done. I'll chat and contribute to any and all posts with you