here is the list of top replied-to threads in this sub-forum:

the top 5 are the vmp threads. the next highest thread has about half the replies as the lowest replied to vmp specific thread. when you look at views, the next highest view count has 120k less views than the lowest viewed vmp specific thread.
now, i am speaking for myself here and not for any other member of the staff, but the question i would primarily consider here is this: in what way would consolidating the five most popular threads in this subforum into one benefit or help the overall member community here? based on these numbers, i don't think it would. throw in the original 85% to 15% vote indicating that a large majority of voting members preferred 5 versus 1, to me any consideration of a consolidation is pretty much a non-starter at this point.

the top 5 are the vmp threads. the next highest thread has about half the replies as the lowest replied to vmp specific thread. when you look at views, the next highest view count has 120k less views than the lowest viewed vmp specific thread.
now, i am speaking for myself here and not for any other member of the staff, but the question i would primarily consider here is this: in what way would consolidating the five most popular threads in this subforum into one benefit or help the overall member community here? based on these numbers, i don't think it would. throw in the original 85% to 15% vote indicating that a large majority of voting members preferred 5 versus 1, to me any consideration of a consolidation is pretty much a non-starter at this point.