I feel like Anthology should be allowed to let live separately, since it was already treated like a separate club. As for the three different tracks, there's absolutely no reason they each need their own thread. Exclusives is just people upset and discussion about VMP changing policies and being shitty to people, right now. That might sound like it's tanking as a thread, if that's not exactly what it used to be on the other forum, anyway. Because, there really isn't much discussion to have other than what the exclusives will be and once we know, we just discuss if we're going to get them or not for about a day. Then it's over. Outkast got announced. Sold out. Now what? Where does the convo go from here? Nat Turner only got delivered to half the people. What kind of discussion would we have had, other than a discussion about how half of us can't have it.
As far as their products, there generally isn't much more to them than a color variant. Does everyone really need a thread dedicated to discussing the color of a record for an entire month? The exclusives are almost always just a color variant. Do we need a full week for that? VMP even spaces their releases out, so that there's time between them and there's no reason for separate threads about them. The guess threads are over. What are you discussing about the Phoenix album? Go look in that thread and tell me about the riveting discussion that isn't happening. Or the VMP hip hop thread. What are you discussing that wouldn't live in the regular hip hop thread? Is everyone really diving into the new Sister Rosetta? If you really are, then I'll concede, but we all know that probably isn't happening. So... why do we need these? Really?
I've said this before, but everybody knows that even when the guess threads were left without clues for even a moment, everything just devolved into hot dog vs sandwich debates, or shit that had absolutely nothing to do with those specific tracks. Instead, we'd discuss other things going on with the company. Now, you just have 5 devolving tracks discussing everything else, anyway. There's no reason for it, other than it being a safety blanket for people that aren't ready to adapt to the new forum and move away from a formula they are used to. Go have those conversations elsewhere with everyone else. Go talk about hot dogs vs sandwiches elsewhere. Hell, start a hot dogs vs sandwiches thread if you want. I'd actually see more focus and value in that.
The argument has been tossed around that it will become a "clusterfuck." Guess what, those threads have always been clusterfucks by nature. There's an argument that nobody can chew gum and walk at the same time, that too many different styles of music can't be discussed at once. That VMP releases SO much different music constantly. But they actually don't. They release color variants. They released one album and a 3 album bundle this week. Is everyone still discussing that? They released an album and a TLC bundle last week. Is everyone caught up on that yet? Other than that, they release 3 albums a month and, for some reason, each album needs it's own thread? What if they release a rap exclusive and a country exclusive the same week? Do we need genre specific exclusive threads, too? It seems unbalanced with what the other vinyl clubs get here and I don't see any real justification for it. The excuse that you don't like rap or classics, so you don't want it bleeding into "your" thread seems absurd to me. You need to retain the purity? We have absolutely zero issue discussing various different albums all at once in the pre-order thread. We do it with multiple albums every single day, from all different genres, from all different distributors, retailers, and countries. And we do it at such a greater volume. Multiple conversations even co-exist. Do we get off track? Yup. And then someone drops some new link and some of us refocus on that. If there were more tracks being discussed in a single VMP thread, it would actually be LESS of a clusterfuck, because we'd have more albums/subjects popping up to refocus conversation more regularly, rather than having people running out of things to say about Phoenix a page and a half in and devolving the conversation into anything but.
There's a weird belief that VMP did SO much. That they release SO much music. That's not reality. They really don't and they really haven't. The difference is that, those of us spending more time in other areas of the forum, seeing all the new music being released by other outlets in the pre-order thread, or what's available in the vinyl deals thread, discussing jazz, hip hop, TV, film or anything else. For us, it becomes clear that, the further you step away from that place -- at least, mentally -- they are just another retailer. They put out a few albums a month. That's it. They don't need 5 or more threads to discuss that.