So... I was informed that there was a poll now. The problem with the poll is the problem with everything else surrounding this topic, it's an ALL OR NOTHING, situation. People are either for VMP or against VMP. I, personally, always believed that Anthology should have it's own thread. We also have a RIP VMP forum thread. I just believe that the individual tracks should be consolidated and that, since exclusives are basically pre-orders at this point, they should be allowed to be posted along with everything else in the pre-order thread. They only pop up once a week on a designated day and are typically just color variants. They aren't guess threads anymore, so they don't have much value individually. That's only merging 3 threads that account for a total of 3 albums a month. There's no option for a variation like that?
Here are the facts that I posted on my status, which just got a ton of pushback, for some reason. Keep in mind, it's MY status, but people are pissed off at me for having one.
There hasn't been a comment on the Essentials thread since Thurs. R&HH only has any action, because people were discussing Bandana & are now freaking out that Outkast was likely oversold. Classics mostly discusses swapping the ROTM & missing Nat Turners. Exclusives thread is about how EVERYTHING is delayed.
That was simply a response to the "we have so much to discuss that it will be a clusterfuck" narrative. Not sure how combining those 3 will create a "clusterfuck" and overwhelming content, but... whatever.
I do know that it was initially suggested that nobody should be allowed to mention VMP exclusives in the pre-orders thread and we pushed back against that, because we thought it was wrong to keep us divided like that. It's not up to me and I doubt most people care what I think anyway, but as long as anybody who has expressed that they feel isolated to the VMP threads because everyone else is so "anti-VMP" and negative elsewhere, is aware that we don't all feel that way, that's all that matters to me. I would love to see them discuss hip hop in the hip hop thread outside of R&HH, or discuss jazz outside of Classics. It feels like some folks have unnecessarily isolated themselves, because the VMP name has a familiarity and they feel comfortable there. I can understand that. But, if that is true, I hope that multiple threads doesn't just operate like a larger cage for anyone, when we have specific and related threads elsewhere on the forum that would only be that much greater if you were involved.
If it's hurting, scaring, upsetting, or even just irritating people to take their threads away from them, I guess I have no place to debate that. Some of these people might feel like they are having their forum ripped away from them all over again. I understand that logic and, up until this point, have only been responding to the logic presented that makes zero sense to me, BECAUSE... it makes zerosense to me. Maybe it doesn't need to. Some things are more emotional decisions.
Another thing that I'm aware of is that some of us are responding to this in different ways, because we have very different contexts connected to it. Just like some folks might feel like their space it being torn away again, or like they are isolated here -- the reasons for which we can debate - my perspective comes from a similar, yet entirely opposite, place. I touched on it before, but there are people outside of here, who still claim that we are a toxic community and that our forum deserved to be taken from us. I don't believe that. When we come here and there are members expressing that they feel like we're all going to be toxic here, before we even get off the ground, I wonder why they even came. That, to me, is the real toxicity. So, when the idea that these threads are necessary because it's a refuge from toxicity is even hinted at, it pisses me off. Most of us came here with optimism. If you want your threads because you honestly believe that there is value in having so many, I disagree, but who cares if I do? If it's because you have nowhere else on this forum where you feel as if you are able to even mention VMP, I'm genuinely sorry that you feel that way. Maybe that issue is being created from both sides. I can only promise to try and defend your right to do that, if I ever see someone getting swarmed for it.
So.. that's that.
But, while nothing is likely to be more important than not making people feel like their threads are being torn away, here are the reasons that I see against keeping the threads separate. One is that people have also clearly expressed being uncomfortable coming into the Vinyl Clubs section, because it's like a massive VMP ad. That's one issue with having this poll in a section where the people voting are only the ones who feel comfortable here already. Connected to that is the fact that we want our own identity here and giving so much unnecessary shine to the club that booted us works against that aim to a certain extent. The one thing that personally upsets me is that, when we got the 48hr notice, we were instructed to go build a new place to advertise for and promote them -- the continuation of maintaining a reddit page being part of that. It's that hubris which has kept some of us still pushing back against them, while others continue to carry their torch.
That being said, I hope everyone feels heard here and that everyone feels welcome. Whatever can be done to support that, I will get behind. I'm not going to fight against your right to have that. If you say weird shit to me that doesn't make any sense, my brain short circuits, but I'm going to do my best to just let that slide by for now, as well.