All Things King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard

The album really works. I’ve been lukewarm on the past albums that jump styles here and there, but this one keeps my attention the whole way through.

The only song I don’t like is Gaia. It’s executed well, but the weird time signature just really grates on my nerves for some reason. I’ve loved the past things they’ve done with odd time signatures, but this one irks me.

Love the two rap songs. Like, really love them. Kinda hope they do an entire album with this style.

Evilest Man and Dripping Tap are my favorites. Dripping Tap might be up there with Float Along - Fill Your Lungs as my favorite Gizz tunes of all.

Love the jazzy tunes and think they work well to blend songs. It’s like little interludes between the harsher styles, but they’re legit good songs in their own right.

This might be the first Gizz album to make my Top 10 of the year. Woo!
Only was able to get through the first 4 tracks, busy day. But very excited to give this a full listen!

I’ve seen this said a few times, but does anyone think the band would be bigger if they existed in the 90’s?
I actually think they would flop in the 90s. Back then record companies were still very important to help bands get reach and air time. But the industry was formulaic enough at that time that no label of any success would pick up a band that is so hard to put into one box. It was also well into the rise of the single. Gizz is an album band, not a hit singles band. In the 90s they probably would have been a very popular band for Victoria and southern Australia.

This band has been able to thrive on leveraging the internet, streaming, and the power that technology gives to create your own independent label without major financial resources.

Really enjoyed my first listen, as usual. Actually seem like a good introductory album, like a showcase of everything they're known for and capable of.
I was thinking that even with my partial impression, and I thought the same of Gumboot.

I knew something had to be going on with that ending..

F***ing amazing. I love them.
This album is wild, and that’s saying something for King Gizzard. It’s so all over the place, but it never really feels too much. I loved Butterfly 3000 and how cohesive and unified it is. This is the opposite of that, but it’s even more exciting.
I saw a joking reddit comment that I think defined it pretty well
“The people that are pissed Kanye and Travis Scott aren’t headlining anymore”
That made me laugh.

From an outsiders perspective I tend to think that over the past decade Coachella has evolved into an influencer focused event. It seems to have become more of a place to be seen than a place to experience.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d go if I had the chance. But it does seem to have evolved in a very different way in the digital age.
Just following up with this because this post nailed it.