August 2020 Challenge Thread - The Dog Days of Vinyl Playing

Day 30: Back to School - Play an album that reminds you of being in school.
Belle & Sebastian - Tigermilk

This album started out as literal homework while Stuart Murdoch was at Stow College. It also contains to amazing “School” related tracks...

“Expectation” was actually the first track that came to mind when I thought about today’s theme but as I’m listening to this album I am struck by how many songs make reference to schooling in one way or another.
Day 30 - Back to School

This EP came out while I was in high school - and is one of those records that made me realize how good live music can be. All it took was two songs to hook me.

Also included is a pic of the only remanent of my high school record collection, everything else warped in storage over multiple moves over the years, but this picture disc from U2 survived it - although the A side has turned amber over time.

U2 ~ Wide Awake in America

Day 30: Back to School - Play an album that reminds you of being in school.

Depeche Mode - The Singles 81–> 85

This was one of my favorite albums in high school - I thought it was so cool that I found a German import in my little suburban town outside of San Francisco. I lost it somewhere along the line and had been searching for a replacement for years - I finally found a copy on Discogs a few weeks ago and am stoked to have it back in my collection!
DAY 29
Okay so... I don't really own many albums that would be very helpful with a hangover. So decided to go a different way with this one. I've only really had one hangover in my life and it was by far one of the most unpleasant experiences I've endured (especially since I had to go into work the next day). I'm used to headaches but hangover headache was even more punishing than usual. So why not go with an album that sounds like how that hangover felt? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Merzbow - Pulse Demon
Day 30: Back to School - Play an album that reminds you of being in school.

I didn’t really get super into music until I went to college. My youth was radio soft rock, and teen years split between top 40 and, near the end, softer classic rock.

During my senior year of HS I fell hard for James Taylor, specifically the Greatest Hits album...and I did find a vinyl copy of that one. Even just as a nostalgia piece.

I also listened to that as I turned down the opportunity to get drunk at a college party as a visiting its also a memory of my severe social failings. Weeeee
