Bandbox: an uncompensated review of an interesting new club

The more and more I think about this, the weirder and weirder I think it is. This isn't like VMP raising prices overnight. This is a complete shift in strategy with a pretty poor explanation of how it affects the consumer.

because it's embarassing to write out "we're fucking you over, because otherwise we're gonna lose money. sorry not sorry, get fucked, guys."
She just responded to me again confirming my request for the War on Drugs drop. I told her that she is the heart and soul of that company.
#propam #whambamthankyoupam #pambyme #standbyyourpam
You’re clearly more popular. I’m still waiting for my first response!
Did put in a request for a couple that i had as subscriptions, and had an email receipt back fairly quickly with them as prepaid orders.

Also, Yo La Tengo should ship in a couple weeks.