
I'm not going to lie. Knowing that 2 of the last 3 winners of the WS are cheaters definitely has me side eyeing the Nats. I don't think they cheated, but I am biased.
I don't think (hoping) they cheated... They bragged about how they went to extreme measures to make sure no one was stealing their signs i.e. having different sets of signs depending on situation. I'm hoping this is just a "few bad apples" in the MLB and they somehow all belonged in the Astros org.

It would be heartbreaking to find out the Cardinals have been cheating... which would make me feel even more sad because not onlyhavewe been terrible these past couple of years, but if they tried cheating, they suck at that as well. lol
I'm not going to lie. Knowing that 2 of the last 3 winners of the WS are cheaters definitely has me side eyeing the Nats. I don't think they cheated, but I am biased.
Astros probably cheated again, but the Nats may have been just better enough that they won anyways. The report did say that Houston were doing the banging thing and camera setups mostly at home in their own ballpark where they lost all 4 games during the World Series, so who knows. :unsure:
One thing that bothers me the most, is that no players were affected or punished. They were benefited the most from cheating. To the point that they took down the monitor and hid it in a nearby closet when the White Sox pitcher caught on. And ever since then, they did a temporary monitor. Wished to see some player suspensions, including pitchers, they were compliant as well.
One thing that bothers me the most, is that no players were affected or punished. They were benefited the most from cheating. To the point that they took down the monitor and hid it in a nearby closet when the White Sox pitcher caught on. And ever since then, they did a temporary monitor. Wished to see some player suspensions, including pitchers, they were compliant as well.
I know it’s not going to happen but I really wish they would lose their WS. Why not set that precedent that it’s unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Don’t give it to the Dodgers but rather no WS winner that year.
One thing that bothers me the most, is that no players were affected or punished. They were benefited the most from cheating. To the point that they took down the monitor and hid it in a nearby closet when the White Sox pitcher caught on. And ever since then, they did a temporary monitor. Wished to see some player suspensions, including pitchers, they were compliant as well.

This article brings up a lot about how it damaged the careers of several opponents. And I have to agree. Kershaw may be a completely different pitcher today had they not cheated against him and destroyed him.

This article brings up a lot about how it damaged the careers of several opponents. And I have to agree. Kershaw may be a completely different pitcher today had they not cheated against him and destroyed him.
I feel the worst for Dodgers. That's two WS titles that were taken from them. Either team didn't fairly beat the Dodgers.

I know it’s not going to happen but I really wish they would lose their WS. Why not set that precedent that it’s unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Don’t give it to the Dodgers but rather no WS winner that year.

I agree! But I think the MLB is avoiding that cause they know they will need to draw a fine line as to what constitutes bad enough to remove title... This is definitely "bad enough" though.
I know it’s not going to happen but I really wish they would lose their WS. Why not set that precedent that it’s unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Don’t give it to the Dodgers but rather no WS winner that year.

This article brings up a lot about how it damaged the careers of several opponents. And I have to agree. Kershaw may be a completely different pitcher today had they not cheated against him and destroyed him.
I read this article and now I agree strongly that the Astros, and if enough evidence from Boston, should lose their WS. Just completely unfair to those players/teams that they cheated against.
I read this article and now I agree strongly that the Astros, and if enough evidence from Boston, should lose their WS. Just completely unfair to those players/teams that they cheated against.
Yeah, after reading that article, I agree. The ripple effects of the cheating aren't just that it helped them win, but it destroyed some careers. A coach was fired for it. Pitchers got into their heads. I know that taking the WS from them will not give anything much back to those adversely affected players/coaches but it is a step.
One thing that bothers me the most, is that no players were affected or punished. They were benefited the most from cheating. To the point that they took down the monitor and hid it in a nearby closet when the White Sox pitcher caught on. And ever since then, they did a temporary monitor. Wished to see some player suspensions, including pitchers, they were compliant as well.
Too many labour and power issues involved, I would imagine.
What on god's green earth? That is next level.

But I also can't find an article. Do you mind sharing?

Beltran resigned.

Just a series of tweets at the moment. Trevor Bauer chimed in saying he's heard similar from multiple sources. Jomboy and Baseball Reddit digging up alleged instances caught on camera. I don't think any of it is confirmed yet, but neither was the garbage can until it was. Like many, I think Beltran's niece's twitter account isn't her, but a burner for someone in the know. Either way, everyone is digging into this now.

Just a series of tweets at the moment. Trevor Bauer chimed in saying he's heard similar from multiple sources. Jomboy and Baseball Reddit digging up alleged instances caught on camera. I don't think any of it is confirmed yet, but neither was the garbage can until it was. Like many, I think Beltran's niece's twitter account isn't her, but a burner for someone in the know. Either way, everyone is digging into this now.

That HAS TO be a lifetime ban if found out to be true. Give judge the 2017 MVP.
Wait, The Metts now too? How do they fit into this cheating scandal? Is this related to the Astros or something else?
Well, the Mets are involved because Beltran is their manager. Or was, he resigned. And he was a player for the Astros during the garbage can cheating. So, the Mets are not really involved (as far as we know), they're just getting soiled because of Beltran.
It would be heartbreaking to find out the Cardinals have been cheating... which would make me feel even more sad because not onlyhavewe been terrible these past couple of years, but if they tried cheating, they suck at that as well. lol
You should probably move this comment over to the NFL thread; the baseball Cardinals actually made it to the NLCS this past season.