Well-Known Member
As I lookat the year that was, I can't help but have mixed emotions as it has not been an easy one for me...losing my Dad suddenly on Father's Day
was probably the most difficult thing I have ever experienced
One can never be prepared for the unexpected death of a loved one (parent) and with Xmas
fast approaching I am struggling to find peace
and joy this holiday season
I was also on strike for over a month this past springand that took a huge toll on my morale and mental health not to mention my bank account
On another note, I moved in with my best friend, partner, soulmate and loverthis past August, and that has brought me much needed happiness as life would not be the same without her and quite honestly I don't know how I would have survived the year without her by my side
Her unwavering support is what keeps me going...
All that said, 2023 was a great year formusic
discoveries and
releases in general! Even though, I found myself listening
to less albums than usual this year, there was enough to keep my ears
happy and my heart
and soul full!
Recurring themes for me were grief and losspain, love, self-acceptance and resilience and as a result it has help shape my AOTY list which I NOW present to you.
My 41 Favourite Albums of 2023:
View attachment 191074
Nice, 7 overlaps with me!
Canadian high-five!