The Dirty Weekends are "only" 97 dB/W. A little less than my Soul Supremes, but still amazingly efficient. Unfortunately, they have an odd impedance, which means you'll probably need loading resistors to match them to your amplifier. If my math is right, a 25Ω loading resistor will drop the efficiency by about 1/3, but I'm not sure how many dB that will cost you.
You should still only need a few watts to raise the volume to painful levels.
How big of a room do you want to fill, and are you looking to quietly play music while the baby sleeps in the next room, or do you want to light up the strip?
As for turnaround time, that's wildly variable. I got my Soul Supremes in about 3 weeks, while others mentioned a couple months. I would bet on the longer end of that range because their supply chain is still recovering from Lockdown.