Bottlehead and Zu

The capacitors are probably down to your taste. I'm sure the stock caps sound fine.
The loading resistors are a maybe. Maybe get a set of the 25Ω resistors and try the speakers with them and without them. Then try to return them if you decide the speakers sound better without.

@Ginormousthumbs If you order the DWs, DM me your address and I'll mail you my 25 ohm resistors - I dont need them. I think you asked about TAT before. My DW order was done 4/1/19, I believe, and they arrived mid June `19.
While I've not heard the DWs without the Clarity Cap capacitors, the best part is if you buy them without, you can still add them on your own later on with nothing more than a screwdriver. I had a conversation with someone who bought without, and then added them, and he said they did a nice job of smoothing out the top end.

If you do buy a pair, the biggest thing to remember is to play with placement. Now that I have the Souls, its even more apparent how much more directional the DWs are. Toe in almost to, or completely towards the listening position seems to be the consensus opinion, and completely agree with. Also, fiddle with how far they are off the ground, how much lean back you like, some distance from the back/side walls, etc. If you want to just plop them down and expect them to be amazing, you might be disappointed.

I’ll keep that in mind if I move forward. I had to do the same thing with my current speakers until I got that sweet centralized sound when sitting. I’m sure with these speakers there will be more adjusting involved. Thanks!!
@Ginormousthumbs If you order the DWs, DM me your address and I'll mail you my 25 ohm resistors - I dont need them. I think you asked about TAT before. My DW order was done 4/1/19, I believe, and they arrived mid June `19.

Wow, that’s a very nice offer! That’s a decent turnaround time. At the time of typing this, I’m really leaning towards buying a pair as I feel like for me, these would be my forever speaker. But I am notorious for being a top notch window shopper...😁.
I do like that these work well with vintage gear, which is what I’m running.