Well-Known Member
I settled on the following for now:
Amp is far left on my console, TT is middle, phono is far right. I'm not getting the "thwack-thwack-thwack" cyclical sound from the amplifier coming through the speakers which is a step in the right direction. Still getting a hissing noise and from my experimenting I suspect the hiss is coming directly from the quality of my interconnects. The hiss becomes a rogue radio station with lesser cables and the hiss disappeared altogether with a slightly better set of interconnects but then replaced the hiss with a buzz. So I'm going to call this set-up fine for now as the hiss is only distracting at loud volumes and get some BJCs for the run from my phono to the amp, I'm getting the feeling that that may cure the hiss or at least reduce it drastically. I also reorganized all my cables to make sure power cords weren't crossing left and right over each other and unplugged everything/replugged it in. I want to say somehow my system is louder now? Like, my listening level on the amp was at like 55 - 65/100 on my amp, now its at 45 - 55? So thats cool.
Anyways, the saga continues. Now I have to get to the bottom of that pesky IGD I've been noticing on the last 1-2 songs of each album that my new amp has apparently revealed. I should’ve never moved on from my little Urban Outfitters LP-60 and Beats Pill sound system. I’d probably live longer.
If you are getting radio signals through the cables, switch to a foil/braid shielded cable versus a double-braid cable. Belden 1694A will do this job instead of LC-1. It will have a bit more capacitance than LC-1 but can more effectively block RFI. BJC can fab up a stereo pair with red and white boots, just like LC-1.
However, if you were not getting radio signals with your prior amp, the problem could be with the new amp not having effective RFI rejection. New cables could help but may not solve.