December 2020 Challenge Thread: Let's Go Out With A Bang (The return of the raffle!)

Day 25: Merry Christmas!

So I don't actually own any Christmas records (I know, I need to remedy that eventually, but it's never been a personal priority).

But this classic Quebecois album from 1974 actually includes my favorite Christmas song: "23 Décembre". It's about that day when kids say goodbye to their teachers for the holidays and the promise of all the traditional festivities that are about to happen over the next few weeks. It's pretty much a given in this part of Canada that you'll hear this song wherever you go on December 23rd.

Beau Dommage "Beau Dommage" (1974 Capitol; 2015 reissue)


Day 25: Merry Christmas!

Various Artists - An Old Fashioned Christmas

This was my favorite collection when I was a kid, it's six LPs with pretty much every classic Christmas song. Tons of different artists on this: Chet Atkins, Charlie Pride, Perry Como, Bing Crosby, Brenda Lee. (It defaults to the Fireside Singers a lot throughout the 12 sides of music.)

We listened to them in order this morning into this afternoon as coffee with Bailey's progressed to barrel aged stouts. Staying home wasn't bad at all this Christmas.

Cheers everyone!

Day 26: Boxing Day - Play a record gifted to you that you're thankful to own

Big Little Lies - Soundtrack

My sister gave me this record and recommended the show. It's one of my favorite shows, and had me hooked and wanting more from the first episode. Not to mention the soundtrack is fantastic and gets a lot of spins!
