I wouldnt say Mike is the wrong guy. He knows his stuff, he's building high end listening booths in his shop right now and has shown off his gear in many shoot out videos in the past. He understands the process well enough for the average consumer to feel comfortable in understanding what the steps in the process entail. Even when he's gone up against Fremer in conversation (who largely considers himself THE expert and could spot a digital source a mile away

) he held his own well enough not to get steam rolled by fremer bloviating for an hour.
either way MoFi looks terrible coming off this. is it going to have a knock on effect with like enjoyment of the music? nah. do the very few mofi records I own suddenly sound like mud? nah. but it does clear the record that no one can really hear the difference and that consumers will at least take a second to really consider is a MoFi release or an analog sourced release with no details on its lineage be worth that $45+ price tag in the future. that's great news.