Definitive Audiophile pressings


Honestly yes. But the good stuff it just so damn good. I mean this isn't about bad a bad pressing, just potentially a different one...
I mean, in my experience, Orts are bright, so I imagine it makes tinny things worse. Then its all analytical and unforgiving and what not. I know I was at the low end of the totem pole, but the damn thing was fatiguing.
I mean, in my experience, Orts are bright, so I imagine it makes tinny things worse. Then its all analytical and unforgiving and what not. I know I was at the low end of the totem pole, but the damn thing was fatiguing.
The Black can be on the brighter side, but on the whole I find it mainly a benefit because it more frequently shines up the higher register with the majority of pressings, and occasionally with pressings that are already on the brighter side yeah it can get to be a bit much. But generally I think it benefits most pressings, and is only detrimental a handful of times on terms of brightness. Also though, I have a software based room correction suite so I have already gone through and tailored the target curve of the room to take out a bit of the Ort brightness. If I thought it was a huge issue, I could just pull it back even more. It's actually probably less bright than your average 2M Black simply due to the adjustments that have been made in the upper registers through the suite.
Have you thought about getting a table with a removable headshell? So you can have the precious for great recordings and a more forgiving cart for the majority of albums, best of both worlds?
Yes I have but only because I want a second mono precious.
But again, like, this isn't an issue with my cart making a good pressing sound bad. These are two different pressings from two different plants that I swear sound different. I can blame my cart for some stuff, but this sort of thing I love. It's part of the fun of the whole hobby for me.
For reference... Here's my target curve and the thin pink line is where my frequency response was before correction, the thick pink line is where it is now... You can see the treble being tamed and rolled off a bit in the really high registers to kill some of that brightness...Screenshot_20220803-234807_Gallery.jpg
The Black can be on the brighter side, but on the whole I find it mainly a benefit because it more frequently shines up the higher register with the majority of pressings, and occasionally with pressings that are already on the brighter side yeah it can get to be a bit much. But generally I think it benefits most pressings, and is only detrimental a handful of times on terms of brightness. Also though, I have a software based room correction suite so I have already gone through and tailored the target curve of the room to take out a bit of the Ort brightness. If I thought it was a huge issue, I could just pull it back even more. It's actually probably less bright than your average 2M Black simply due to the adjustments that have been made in the upper registers through the suite.

Yes I have but only because I want a second mono precious.
But again, like, this isn't an issue with my cart making a good pressing sound bad. These are two different pressings from two different plants that I swear sound different. I can blame my cart for some stuff, but this sort of thing I love. It's part of the fun of the whole hobby for me.
So you are digitally altering your analog sound? Jeez, forget the MoFis, just trash the whole kit and kaboodle. (jk)
For reference... Here's my target curve and the thin pink line is where my frequency response was before correction, the thick pink line is where it is now... You can see the treble being tamed and rolled off a bit in the really high registers to kill some of that brightness...View attachment 147822
My wife: hey, whats up? What are you reading?

Me: oh, hey. Yeah, so this Canadian online is saying....

My Wife: wait. what? A Canuck [pronounced canoooook]?

Me: yeah, yeah, just let me explain. Yes, this Canadian is saying he can hear the difference between two different pressings of Led Zeppelin II, now mind you this is the recent reissue mastered from digital files, pressed at two different pressing plants in Europe. Hey...wait, where you going? I'm not done with the story yet.

Pffff. She left. Didnt even get to the good part with the graphs yet!
My wife: hey, whats up? What are you reading?

Me: oh, hey. Yeah, so this Canadian online is saying....

My Wife: wait. what? A Canuck [pronounced canoooook]?

Me: yeah, yeah, just let me explain. Yes, this Canadian is saying he can hear the difference between two different pressings of Led Zeppelin II, now mind you this is the recent reissue mastered from digital files, pressed at two different pressing plants in Europe. Hey...wait, where you going? I'm not done with the story yet.

Pffff. She left. Didnt even get to the good part with the graphs yet!
Yeah I got all excited and tried to tell my wife and I couldn't get past the bemused smirk. I just shrunk and shrunk as I tried to explain it. I'm like, 2 inches tall right now... it's embarrassing.
My wife: hey, whats up? What are you reading?

Me: oh, hey. Yeah, so this Canadian online is saying....

My Wife: wait. what? A Canuck [pronounced canoooook]?

Me: yeah, yeah, just let me explain. Yes, this Canadian is saying he can hear the difference between two different pressings of Led Zeppelin II, now mind you this is the recent reissue mastered from digital files, pressed at two different pressing plants in Europe. Hey...wait, where you going? I'm not done with the story yet.

Pffff. She left. Didnt even get to the good part with the graphs yet!

Yeah I got all excited and tried to tell my wife and I couldn't get past the bemused smirk. I just shrunk and shrunk as I tried to explain it. I'm like, 2 inches tall right now... it's embarrassing.
I just don't tell my wife stories like that. She doesn't need to know that not only am I upgrading my copy of Blue Train, but that I am getting a Stereo and a Mono version. It makes no impact on her what so ever. And if I explain to her, she will just be like you have too many records.

The only change she has ever really noticed was the tighter sound of the elacs from when I mounted them. I don't bother trying to explain it anymore. I just go about my business.

I have finally got her thinking about ways we can accommodate my endgame floor standers when the time comes. That was like a month of frustrating conversations.
I just don't tell my wife stories like that. She doesn't need to know that not only am I upgrading my copy of Blue Train, but that I am getting a Stereo and a Mono version. It makes no impact on her what so ever. And if I explain to her, she will just be like you have too many records.

The only change she has ever really noticed was the tighter sound of the elacs from when I mounted them. I don't bother trying to explain it anymore. I just go about my business.

I have finally got her thinking about ways we can accommodate my endgame floor standers when the time comes. That was like a month of frustrating conversations.
Yeah I have to take the pure honesty route because she works from home and is pretty much always here so I can't really sneak gear in without her noticing. Also it's pretty tough to sneak bright orange L100 speakers anywhere...
Yeah, I’ve had some shockers from Pallas over the last 12 months or so, mostly warps. But when they do it well they are superb.
Hot take incoming....Pallas > RTI. Fight me. I have never had a single issue with anything pressed at Pallas. Ever.

P.S. I know they polish the metalwork.

Hot take. Pallas is the best pressing plant in the world. Their records look like etched glass. Flawless.
I have the double LP because it's the only freaking one I could find that was Pallas but the easy way to tell is look for the P USA in the runout but even easier, the code above the Atlantic logo in the lower right corner of the front of the jacket. If it's R1.... It's Pallas, if it's 8122.... it's Optimal.

And look, I don't want to freak anyone out, maybe tomorrow I spin them and they seem exactly that same and I'm just an idiot... stranger things have happened.
So mine is 8122 on the outer sleeve but says R1 on the actual record label. Da fuq?