This is amazing, I showed my plant-mad girlfriend and she loves it!
That skull with the eye in the center is *chef kiss* so good.Another month, more sticky notes.
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High as some kites...
View attachment 70400
Only for dolphins...
View attachment 70401
Beginners Luck...
View attachment 70402
I like skulls...
View attachment 70403
Shoo fly don't bother me...
View attachment 70404
What’s on my head!?...
View attachment 70405
This was my commute to work this morning. Car in front of me looked like a skull...
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And the next two sections to my larger piece. Hope you all are doing well and dig something I shared! Stay safe
P.S. @nolalady you didn’t have to order a pin but that made my day seeing that show up here.thank you.
You know I wish I planned these things out a bit more but that's part of the beauty of it right? Figuring out our process and what works... I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the rest of the white space to be honest. I was never great with backgrounds. My instinct tells me to finish filling the page but I also like the thought of doing a portion of the page in super detailed black and white and then having the color portions be the way they are. Use colors for outlines on the black stuff, I feel that may make the color pop even more but it could also not work. Hoping to get some time in this evening or this weekend on it and see where it takes me. Your comment got me thinking so I appreciate that a ton.That skull with the eye in the center is *chef kiss* so good.
I love, love, love your color work!! Are you going to keep the negative space in the bigger pieces? It makes for a really interesting composition.
Sometimes the best filler is no filler at all, and sometimes, more is better.You know I wish I planned these things out a bit more but that's part of the beauty of it right? Figuring out our process and what works... I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the rest of the white space to be honest. I was never great with backgrounds. My instinct tells me to finish filling the page but I also like the thought of doing a portion of the page in super detailed black and white and then having the color portions be detailed. Use colors for outlines on the black stuff, I feel that may make the color pop even more but it could also not work. Hoping to get some time in this evening or this weekend on it and see where it takes me. Your comment got me thinking so I appreciate that a ton.
Added my details and you nailed it. I like the negative space with this little guy.Sometimes the best filler is no filler at all, and sometimes, more is better.
A reporter once asked Jackson Pollack how he knew when a painting was complete. He famously retorted something along the lines of, "How do you know when a rose bush is complete?"
Art will take you where it wants to. Enjoy the ride.
Finished product:All right. I’m on vacation this week. In between rain, I’m trying to take our fence out. That’s hard work.
I also decided I should finally do this here project. So I had some left over plywood from when I made my saw horses. I bought some popular .25 x 2.5 inch boards. I cut those to 1 foot a piece. I cut the plywood here to 11.5 inches. This will be a ten inch crate. Stain is done. Will polyurethane tomorrow because plywood. Then I’ll assemble and show y’all the finished product:
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