With Forte IVs you won’t need an alternate pair of speakers. They do all genres extremely well and don’t really have any weaknesses.Cool. If I were pulling the trigger today, which I'm not. I would add the Leak CDT10 transport, the Black Ice F159, The Vertere DG-1S and Klipsch Forte IVs. Table will probably be the last upgrade. After that, I may or may not buy speakers for digital/classical listening and a preamp to run the phono through. We'll see what happens after I do all of this.
There’s only one thing I would wish for- a Forte “Plus”. Imagine a Forte twice the height- everything doubled- that would give you a larger (taller) stereo image. Impedance would drop to 4 ohms, but any amplifier that would likely to be paired with them wouldn’t have any issues.