Well-Known Member
The E-GLO Petit is a nice phono. I looked at that myself.This is the one I’ve been looking at the longest:
EAT E-Glo Petit
Every time I think about tubes, I’m lead to believe these guys are the best in the business:
Primaluna EVO 100
Primaluna EVO 100 Tube Phonostage — PrimaLuna USA
This is the one I am really smitten with though:
Black Ice Fusion F159
Black Ice Fusion F159 Tube Phono Stage — BLACK ICE AUDIO
Reference Black Ice Fusion F159 Tube Phono Stage with cross talk reduction built
I’m still on the list for my Decware, nowhere near the top. If you want an opinion in another yearish I’d be happy to oblige.
If I may suggest looking into some of Allnic’s Phonos, used, the H-1201 and H-1202 show up in the price range and are truly fantastic. The H-1201 I have is super solid and I much prefer it to my Sutherland 20/20, my old Rega Aria and against the E-GLO Petit I trialed from my dealer. Plus I bought it for under a grand.
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