Well-Known Member
I get that, but honestly, if the repair shop is saying ALL the capacitors are shot, that makes even less sense, to me anyway. That said, I'd still reach out and say, "Hey, I had an amp connected to the Panamax and it shut down one day, I sent it out for repairs and was told that all the capacitors were blown, is it possible one part of the Panamax unit failed?"It's always been connected through the panamax, yeah.
Would a power surge even make sense? It just shut off one day; all over components connected to the panamax, and the panamax itself is completely fine. What would I even write to them; "Hey, I had a amplifier connected through your power conditioner, and now it's not working, can you reimburse me for it?" I'd just get laughed away.
They may have a way of knowing, I'm just guessing at this point and I feel really bad, but I honestly have a hard time believing that every capacitor blew out at one time. Again, I'm not saying the shop is wrong, but it just seems so odd to me.