I was originally going to upgrade my phono stage to the Sutherland Insight. Unfortunately my amp (NAD 326BEE) has been going into protection mode more frequently (every few days or so). I decided it was probably a better move to replace the amp first.
Adding together the cost of all the components, I decided to take
@Slimwhit33's Luxman L-550 axii. I have always drooled over that amp and I'm very happy to give it a home.
I currently have the Polk LSIM 703 speakers which I actually really love. I like their size and I like how much bass they have and how I can have them fairly close to the wall. The only think I'm not so keen on is the look of them. I would prefer something more "retro". I have read up on all the specs and I think the Luxman will drive them just fine.
I had originally been sort of thinking about the JBL L82 as my next speaker, but reading online about Luxman, should I consider any others?
I've read that Harbeths are a good match, and Klipsch. I like the Klipsch Heresy look quite a bit (and can demo locally) but really don't want floor-standers. Anyone have suggestions in the up to $6K US (new) range for bookshelves? Hoping to find something used for about $4K or less. This is a far-off purchase (probably a year off unless some fantastic deal comes up) but I'd like to start dreaming about it.