Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

Oh. There's no problem, I'm just looking to spend money. Sounds great currently. Was just curious really, but I probably should have googled further before I posted and answered my own question...
If you’re still curious and want something fancier than (@Angsty ’s really good and cheap idea) blu tack, try some sorbothane pucks. Be careful with sorbothane on wood though, it can cause discoloration after awhile. I use sorbothane between my cabinets legs and my lively wood flooring, I just wrap the pieces in SaranWrap.
If you’re still curious and want something fancier than (@Angsty ’s really good and cheap idea) blu tack, try some sorbothane pucks. Be careful with sorbothane on wood though, it can cause discoloration after awhile. I use sorbothane between my cabinets legs and my lively wood flooring, I just wrap the pieces in SaranWrap.
Do you happen to know what weight rating those linked ones are? I'm looking everywhere but can't find it for that specific type