Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

The new Zu DWX Supremes should be here next week. Will have 60 days to figure out if they stay for the long haul.

Also going to find a way to listen to some MoFi Sourcepoint 8s and KEF R3 Metas during those 60 days to make sure I’m getting the best speaker for my tastes these days.

Anyone listen to the MoFi or KEFs yet?
Get them all in house and do a review for us.
The isolation box is like your isolation platform, it’s got fancy feet and sorbothene damping but it forms a box the table sits in for aesthetics.

I put the sub platter on a good year after the isolation box. It darkened the background a good bit and tightened up the bass a little.
Are you using the OG platter or have you also upgraded that?
Would you put them in your system? What stood out about them?
I've currently got the L100s and I honestly thought the sound out of the R3s was similar in how full and refined they were but also with the capability to rock out. Big big stage from such a relatively modest sized speaker with good punch. Now I can't recall what was powering them at the time but I'm sure your Kinki would do a great job with them. They're also really pretty with the matching stands...


If I had a second system I would definitely have these in it, as it is the L100s are farther up the speaker "tree" as it were so I wouldn't replace them with these, but I would absolutely consider them if I didn't have the L100s. I think if you have the option to hear them somewhere that would be very worthwhile. They're a much smaller form factor than the Lintons but they definitely sound big. That being said I heard them in a listening room with proper baffling/dampening etc so YMMV...
Can you help me understand what open a plug calls for?
I use a Wireword Spaceport for my power supply. It has 6 outlets, all of which are currently in use. I also use a single box streamer/dac, which only uses one power cord.

If I wanted to move to say a Lumin steamer and a Denafrips dac, well now I need an extra outlet. I could buy a second or larger power supply... Or for significantly less I could get the 20/20 lps, which only requires one outlet.

What about a y-adapter? The switching power supplies won’t care.
That's valid.
As someone who tried this - they do care.

Maybe a good quality 2 socket power supply off a single on the conditioner. Would still benefit from the conditioning upstream and I’d bet even a crazy weirdo audiophile one like this is less expensive than an lps…

I use a Wireword Spaceport for my power supply. It has 6 outlets, all of which are currently in use.
Are you using anything for surge suppression? I view surge suppression as equipment protection instead of audible power conditioning. The Spaceport does not appear to have MOVs or series mode protection.
I use a Wireword Spaceport for my power supply. It has 6 outlets, all of which are currently in use. I also use a single box streamer/dac, which only uses one power cord.

If I wanted to move to say a Lumin steamer and a Denafrips dac, well now I need an extra outlet. I could buy a second or larger power supply... Or for significantly less I could get the 20/20 lps, which only requires one outlet.

That's valid.
Ok, I would not call the spaceport a power supply. It's a power strip with the conditioning.

The LPS would be considered a power supply much like the sbooster.
I’d describe it as a cheap experiment, then. For about $10, a person can find out if it makes a difference in their system or not.
We did whole home surge protection as soon as we moved in. And we'll likely have an even more robust one put in once we have the breaker box modernized this year or next.

Also had the surge checked in the late summer after some storms, so feeling pretty good about all that.