But why do audiophile call ortofon essential instead
I just need to figure out what to plan for in the future (and do instead of sleep)
Ortofon and Audio Technica are the two largest cartridge manufacturers in the world. You’ll see more reviews and more owners opinions. It doesn’t mean they are the “best” or even good in some instances. McDonalds is the largest fast food establishment in the world, yet their “hamburgers” don’t even taste like beef. Go down the street to a privately owned place and you may have the best burger you’ve ever eaten. Or maybe you like McDonald’s. That’s cool too, as long as you are happy.
Also realize that Ortofon makes cartridges that start at $39 or so to many thousands of dollars. Most of them I wouldn’t bother to piss on if they were on fire. But the SPU series? I’d love one of those. The OM or 2m Series is light years away from an SPU.
Grados are a funny thing. They aren’t “audiophile” in my opinion, and yet they are the highest in fidelity that I’ve found that are both affordable and have a reasonably priced user replaceable stylus. Music lovers love them. Techie types? Not so much.
You’ve previously mentioned moving coil cartridges. Think about this. Let’s say you buy an expensive moving coil cartridge. Do you really want to worry that your stylus is wearing out every time you listen to music? It will cost $300 and up to have the cartridge retipped. Or just figure $150 every year or two for a replacement Grado stylus. Music is supposed to be enjoyable. It’s not fun if you are stressing about it.
To plan for the future? In audio? You’ll have to learn the hard way like I did. Make mistakes. Expensive ones.
Or you can benefit by heeding the advice of those with far more experience than you have. Accept the advice you are freely given here. You are drawing from a group with literally over a century of experience that has no attitude, no agenda- we just want to help people.
Audiophiles listen to gear. Music lovers listen to music. That’s the difference between most of the Ortofons that I’ve heard and Grados. But that’s just me. If you want an Ortofon I believe @Chucktshoes offered to give you his. As references to my approach, @mcherry @Colonel_Angus and @AnthonyI have heard my system at various points. I think they all liked what they heard.
Only you can find what makes you happy. I’ve found what works for me.