But I do know we don't need to use any words demeaning anyone for what they do or don't enjoy.
Indeed. We should even avoid demeaning
ourselves. Let me assure you, your experience is every bit as valid as mine,
@displayname's, and even
@HiFi Guy's! We all find our own reason to enjoy this hobby, and we all find our own aspect of this hobby.
Maybe you'll find a $20,000 turntable that sounds amazing, or maybe you'll decide that digital sounds perfect to you. There is nothing wrong with either option, or anything in between!
Maybe music is like meditation to you, or maybe it excites you. Maybe it brings back fond memories, or maybe it makes new memories. All of these are valid reasons to get involved.
If you want an example of what I'm talking about, I'll let you in on a secret: my reason for loving vinyl has nothing to do with sound quality. I love it because, every time I spin a record, my mind goes back to my childhood, watching my Mom play DJ all afternoon. She would put a single record on our Technics record changer (must be the changer spindle, not the single spindle). She would click start, watch the record drop, watch the needle drop, and then raise the cueing lever so she could select the one song she wanted to hear. While that song played, she would dig through her collection for the next record and cue it on the changer spindle. When the song finished, she would click stop, watch the tonearm return to home, and repeat. When the stack of records got too tall (usually a lot taller than the 6 records the changer was meant to hold), she would pull them all off, put them away, and start all over. Good memories (and sadly one of the few good memories I have of her, but let's not go there).
To take that memory to the next level, I first heard Ed Sheeran's "Supermarket Flowers" on my U-Turn. Here I was, remembering my Mom's amateur DJ routine when that song came up. When I realized what he was singing about, I broke down and cried, and I feel no shame admitting that.
I don't know if this helps explain how crazy some of our reasons for being here are, or if it's just a drunken rant. Hopefully it's more of the first. However, the bartender is asking if I'm alright, so I fear it's the second.
Admins, please feel free to move this post to the drunk thread if you feel that's where it belongs