Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

Awesome thanks! Any suggestions on the most inexpensive but decent model for something like that? Brands to look at? And what does this mean for the Neo power supply? Does the step up go before the power supply?

The little Sony in line ones that hifi-guy has that you can pick up for a fair price used on eBay are a good option.
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I often dictate text messages over Siri when I’m in the car and CarPlay is active. I’m pretty well spoken and some of its interpretations are wild.
One of our buddies always uses Siri to read our WhatsApp messages in the car. So when we know he's in the car we just go wild with sexual innuendo because Siri has to read it and we are juvenile children.
Isn’t the Graham Slee Elevator known for its adaptability, sound quality, and affordability?
The Graham Slee Elevator is a MC step-up amplifier, versus a transformer. Pros and cons with each, but I'd generally recommend a used SUT to keep price down since passive devices don't really wear out. SUTs tend to add less noise than step-up amplifiers, but are less phase coherent.