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FWIW, regarding the Pro-Ject balanced TT stuff, my buddy picked up the X2B a few weeks ago and did a bunch of testing back and forth between it and his Orbit. Crazy enough, it was too close to call and the kicker was that the Pro-Ject had a terrible hum/buzz happening that he could figure out. Thought it was some weird feedback in his house. So he returns it, gets a newer upgraded uTurn.
Fast forward to like 2 weeks ago when I was also looking at the X2B and I find a Reddit thread about how there are 2 rubber bands and a shim of sorts holding the motor in place for shipping that is not mentioned in any of the included instructions or any review. The OP removed those and the hum that he was also experiencing, unsurprisingly, went away.
So now it's just a case of what could have been.

Also, they do work with regular RCA cables. It just isn't true balanced, as others mentioned. Why they wouldn't include the balanced XLR, let alone a package deal with one of their balance phono stages, is a mystery to me.

My buddy's experience honestly pulled me away from considering ProJect altogether.