I did the lily pad shine last night after my post. The challenge itself wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, although the controls kind of sucked. It really came down to learning to fine tune your movement and not panic spray. The part that frustrated me the most though was waiting for the stupid boats just to get there. I spent those minutes making sarcastic comments to my wife about how much fun I was having waiting for these boats, only to have Yoshi decide to just bank off of the slant of the roof into the water when jumping to the second one, when I had hovered above the boat and completely let go of the stick before landing.
Honestly, the overall game is fun, and when it works well it's a blast. I love when a game lets you cross large gaps with big jumps, and this game excels in that regard. That being said, all the little things add up and make the game harder than it needs to be. I could go on and on about all the little things, but the things that bother me the most are the fine controls, the wasted time getting to stuff, and the depth perception. As I continue on, I can't help but feel some extra time in the oven instead of rushing this out would have remedied a lot of those issues.
I had a similar experience with Mario 64. I played it all the time as a kid, and had that realization this time around, even though I played through it in 2018. I played Sunshine as a kid, but never completed it. It's really eye opening just how far 3D platformers have come since both of these games, especially since most people still would rank them in upper tiers across the genre (myself included). I haven't played Galaxy since it came out, so I'm looking forward to comparing and contrasting with the first two titles.