Everything Video Games!

Looks like they use the same analog sticks, so you should be able to replace them if you need to. You'll just have to take the whole case apart instead of individual joycons, but it looks simple.
now that I have two Left joycons with drifting problems I will probably try doing a stick replacement on one of them to see if I can repair the problem and bring them back to life.
now that I have two Left joycons with drifting problems I will probably try doing a stick replacement on one of them to see if I can repair the problem and bring them back to life.
Seems super easy, so go for it! Hardest part is having the right screwdriver bit.

We did something similar before but...


Super Mario World (SNES)
Harvest Moon 64 (N64)
Conkers Bad Fur Day (N64)
Grand Theft Auto 3 (Ps2, Xbox)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox)


The Last of Us
Mass Effect 2
Mirror’s Edge
Bioshock Infinite
God of War (2018)... but Red Dead Redemption 2 might pass it up (currently playing it)

Also, I didn't include more than 1 game from a series (ala GTA V). Nor did I include Stardew Valley for similar reasons.
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We did something similar before but...


The Last of Us
Mass Effect 2

Mirror’s Edge
Bioshock Infinite
God of War (2018)... but Red Dead Redemption 2 might pass it up (currently playing it)

Wow. I have those same two bolded as my 1 and 2, respectively.

If I had to pick 5 modern videogames from the '10s:

1) The Last of Us
2) Mass Effect 2
3) Horizon: Zero Dawn
4) Nier Automata
5) The Witness
HM) Rocket League
Wow. I have those same two bolded as my 1 and 2, respectively.

If I had to pick 5 modern videogames from the '10s:

1) The Last of Us
2) Mass Effect 2
3) Horizon: Zero Dawn
4) Nier Automata
5) The Witness
HM) Rocket League

Woah. Our taste in games is apparently even closer than our taste in music. Because my honorable mentions would be:

Adulthood: Horizon Zero Dawn, Red Dead Redemption 2, Limbo / Inside, Fallout 3, Persona 5, Nier Automata and Heavy Rain (still not counting GTA V, Stardew Valley or Super Mario Bros Wii) .

Childhood: Resident Evil 4, Zelda OOT, WWF No Mercy, Burnout 3, Max Payne, Golden Eye, Rainbow Six 3, Turtles in Time, Killer 7 and Beyond Good & Evil.

Basically, your top 4 would be in heavy contention for my top 10 of last decade. I just find the cut off of 2005 appropriate considering A) my freshman / sophomore year of college coincided with the launch of the Wii / 360/ Ps3 and that generation went so long that the past two gens are actually roughly = in length to the SNES / Genesis + N64 / PS1 + Xbox/Cube/PS2.
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We did something similar before but...


Super Mario World (SNES)
Harvest Moon 64 (N64)
Conkers Bad Fur Day (N64)
Grand Theft Auto 3 (Ps2, Xbox)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox)


The Last of Us
Mass Effect 2
Mirror’s Edge
Bioshock Infinite
God of War (2018)... but Red Dead Redemption 2 might pass it up (currently playing it)

Also, I didn't include more than 1 game from a series (ala GTA V). Nor did I include Stardew Valley for similar reasons.

Oooooh, I like this game!

I took a video game “break” starting in college (2000) until about 2007 when I dove back in with a GameCube and an Xbox 360. Makes for a nice division of choices.

Games of my Youth:
StarTropics (NES)
Chrono Trigger (SNES)
Super Metroid (SNES)
Star Fox 64 (N64)
Parasite Eve (PS1)

Runners Up: Ducktails (NES), Final Fantasy III (SNES), TMNT 4: Turtles In Time (SNES), Mario Kart 64 (N64), Banjo-Kazooie (N64), Xenogears (PS1).

Games of my Adulthood:
Bioshock (Xbox 360)
Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem (GameCube)
Inside (PS4)
Overwatch (PS4)
Portal 2 (Xbox 360)

Runners Up: Death Stranding (PS4), LA Noire (Xbox 360), Super Meat Boy (Xbox 360), Metroid Prime (GameCube), What Remains Of Edith Finch (PS4), Mario Kart 8 Ultimate (Switch).
Seems super easy, so go for it! Hardest part is having the right screwdriver bit.

Amazon's got a whole bunch of kits that usually come with two joysticks, the correct tip screwdrivers, and some misc tools to help you get everything taken apart safely.
We did something similar before but...


Super Mario World (SNES)
Harvest Moon 64 (N64)
Conkers Bad Fur Day (N64)
Grand Theft Auto 3 (Ps2, Xbox)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox)


The Last of Us
Mass Effect 2
Mirror’s Edge
Bioshock Infinite
God of War (2018)... but Red Dead Redemption 2 might pass it up (currently playing it)

Also, I didn't include more than 1 game from a series (ala GTA V). Nor did I include Stardew Valley for similar reasons.

This list is all over the place for me.

SSX Tricky (Xbox)
Yoshi's Island (Game Boy Advance)
Guitar Hero 3 (Wii)
Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure (Game Boy Advance)
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 (Gamecube)

God of War (PS4)
Bioshock Infinite (PC)
The Last of Us (PS4)
Doom 2016 (PC)
Final Fantasy 7 Remake (PS4)
Amazon's got a whole bunch of kits that usually come with two joysticks, the correct tip screwdrivers, and some misc tools to help you get everything taken apart safely.
yup, that's exactly what I ordered. comes with all the hardware I should need to do the fix, so it's up whether or not my big, dumb hands can do the rest.

but for under $20 it's worth a shot since they're otherwise useless
We did something similar before but...


Super Mario World (SNES)
Harvest Moon 64 (N64)
Conkers Bad Fur Day (N64)
Grand Theft Auto 3 (Ps2, Xbox)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox)


The Last of Us
Mass Effect 2
Mirror’s Edge
Bioshock Infinite
God of War (2018)... but Red Dead Redemption 2 might pass it up (currently playing it)

Also, I didn't include more than 1 game from a series (ala GTA V). Nor did I include Stardew Valley for similar reasons.

Interesting... I'm going to say

  1. Pokemon (Red/Blue, Gold/Silver, Ruby/Sapphire, and Pokemon Stadium)
  2. Fallout 3
  3. Super Smash Bros. Melee
  4. Crash Bandicoot (very first video game I ever played)
  5. Rock Band 2
  1. Skyrim
  2. Red Dead Redemption 2
  3. FIFA
  4. Assassin's Creed (OG, 2, 3, etc. others)
  5. Fallout: New Vegas
We did something similar before but...


Super Mario World (SNES)
Harvest Moon 64 (N64)
Conkers Bad Fur Day (N64)
Grand Theft Auto 3 (Ps2, Xbox)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox)


The Last of Us
Mass Effect 2
Mirror’s Edge
Bioshock Infinite
God of War (2018)... but Red Dead Redemption 2 might pass it up (currently playing it)

Also, I didn't include more than 1 game from a series (ala GTA V). Nor did I include Stardew Valley for similar reasons.

I think adult years makes it harder and "most important" kinda makes me want to curate the "best" game. But, off the top of my head, games I have the strongest/fondest memories of playing as a kid before high school:

Warcraft 2 (PC)

HM: Metal Gear Solid

Definitely could add more and I'm sure I'm forgetting something.

I absolutely love N64 games, but since I never owned one I didn't include any. Otherwise, GoldenEye, Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, or Perfect Dark might be on there.
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Phantasy Star IV (Genesis)
Sonic 3/Sonic and Knuckles (Genesis)
Shining Force III (Saturn)
Panzer Dragoon Saga (Saturn)
Skies of Arcadia (Dreamcast)
tbh, i abstained from playing video games for a large part of my middle-school/high-school years bc of health issues, so i didn’t really even pick up gaming again until 2017 right when the switch came out. as such, i only really have three main games on my own list

1. Kirby Super Star Ultra DS (late elementary school / early middle school years)
2. Naruto Storm 3 Full Burst (literally the only game i really played when i was in high school)
3. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (my college years)
We did something similar before but...


Super Mario World (SNES)
Harvest Moon 64 (N64)
Conkers Bad Fur Day (N64)
Grand Theft Auto 3 (Ps2, Xbox)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox)


The Last of Us
Mass Effect 2
Mirror’s Edge
Bioshock Infinite
God of War (2018)... but Red Dead Redemption 2 might pass it up (currently playing it)

Also, I didn't include more than 1 game from a series (ala GTA V). Nor did I include Stardew Valley for similar reasons.

I really like this category, but I'm going to break mine apart more, since I went through "phases" so to say throughout my life. I'm also going to limit myself to one game per franchise.

Lists of games are in no particular order.

Childhood/Elementary School years:

Super Mario 3 - 1st game I ever played
Banjo-Kazooie - 1st game I ever 100% completed, and all time favorite
Desert Falcon - Atari game my dad and I played a lot, competing for the highest score
Pokemon Red - Mowed lawns for most of a summer so I could buy a GBC and this game, along with a CD player. One of my proudest accomplishments as a kid, as I was not good with saving money. Also, this purchase furthered my love for both games and music.
Donkey Kong Country 2 - We didn't own an SNES, but we'd rent one occasionally before N64 came out. I would rent this EVERY time.

Pre-teen/Teen Years (JR High/High school):

Diablo - played this at a friends house (parents wouldn't allow it) and it blew my young mind
Final Fantasy VI - Again, we didn't own an SNES. A buddy in junior high introduced me to the world of emulation, and I fell HARD for this game. Right up there with Banjo-Kazooie for all time favs. IX is a close second, as a bought an entire console just to play that one.
DDR (particulary 8th Mix Extreme and StepMania) - large portions of my money during high school went to the 8th mix machine we had at the bowling alley. Hardest song beaten on the mat: Max 300 on Expert.
GTA: San Andreas - I played the others a lot too, but this one I put the most time and effort into, and completed 100% (Fuck Zero's helicopter mission)

College/Early Post College Years:

Halo 3 - I technically started playing this one my senior year of high school, but the majority of the time spent was in college. The game that brough my wife and I together.
Modern Warfare 2 - I'd like to include MW 1-3 and BLOPS here, as my college buddies and I played these throughout the years. The pinnacle of my multiplayer time. This era comes with a few regrets as well, as we were toxic at times, but I fortunately came to my senses eventually and stopped being such an asshole online (and in general, I guess).
Braid - The game that truly got me to appreciate that games are art. Had to get my jaw surgically re-attached after it fell to the floor after the ending.
Borderlands 2 - Still a favorite I go back to from time to time. One of my favorite villains. Fun gameplay. A rare occasion where I can play by myself, or with people, and have the same level of fun.
Bioshock - Another game changer in general. Shifted my perspective on FPS games. Brilliant story telling, with lots of action and horror. There are much better descriptions on why this game is so great than what I can provide.

Post College/Adult/"The Dad" years:

The Binding of Isaac - A little late to the party here, as I've only been playing a few years, but I have 900 hours and counting. The game I've played more than any other, and I still play almost daily. I'm going to get all those Steam achievements someday.
Celeste: I've talked about this one a lot, so I'll keep it brief. Hearfelt and charming, beautiful music, tight platforming controls, challenging yet positive about the experience.
Hollow Knight - Similar reasons as to why I love Celeste, except for the story. This one is quite the opposite, dark and haunting. The thing that really sticks out about this one is that it's up to you to discover the full story. One of the rare games that deservedly gets the Dark Souls comparisons.
Titanfall 2 - Best shooter of the decade, and tragically underappreciated. Some of the most created levels found in a single player campaign, and fun, frantic multiplayer. Plus, you get to use mechs, what more do you need?
Red Dead Redemption 2 - I had my issues with this game, but I feel the world building elevates the experience above any problems. Again, a lots been said about this one, and NakeyJakey's video on the game sums up my problems pretty well. But the characters, the story, and the things I experienced in the world, left a profound mark on me.
This is fun! I tried to make sure I was going with stuff that was formative in my gaming career moreso than what I played the most or thought was best.

Super Mario World (SNES) - The first video game I really played. My parents hated video games as the nightly news said they were bad for my brain. So instead I’d go over to my friend Phil’s house and play Super Mario with him and watch all the cartoons I wasn’t allowed to watch. Super Mario World is still a comfort game; at the beginning of quarantine I did a quick play through.

Sim Copter (PC) - My parents only allowed “educational” games in the house, but I was able to draw a line towards Maxis games, since they made an overture at simulation/education games. Sim Copter was pretty much a flight sim, but you could create your own mayhem (including inciting full-on riots by buzzing pedestrians). I remember making cities in SimCity2000 and porting them over and then burning them down and flying through the flames. Good, good times.

Pokemon (more specifically red, but all the handheld games hold a place in my heart) - The first video game that was *mine;* after a sixth-grade sleepover, a friend gave me his old grey game boy and lent me Pokemon red. This was my first RPG, and I really connected with the idea that the character was “me.”

Golden Sun (GBA) - I bought a Game Boy Advance with the paycheck from my first job, and this (and the sequel) was easily the game I played the most. You could port your save over from game 1 to game 2, either using two GBAs (which I didn’t have) or by copying a code that must have been a couple-hundred characters long. I wrote the code out on printer paper, then typed it back into the GBA, piece by piece.

Metal Gear Solid 3 (PS2) - I got this one in college; by the time first semester freshman year was over, I’d bought a PS2, and while I spent a lot of time in San Andreas, MGS3 was notable because it changed how I viewed games. I was used to action games or rpgs, and never had run into something which involved stealth and strategy, let alone a game that played with my expectations of what a game should do. By the time summer had rolled around, I’d obtained all the camouflages.