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I’ve been sitting on a $60 gift card to GameStop for a while and I was thinking about picking up Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. My friend said it was really good but I paying full price on a game. It obviously wouldn’t be full price with the gift card but, I’m wondering if anyone here has played it and can vouch for it being worth it.
If you liked Skyrim you would definitely like this. The open world is beautiful and engaging. The combat is really hard to master, but satisfying when you get it. I would definitely recommend it.
Speaking of Control, I need to go back and finish that game, I'm like 90% through it and the expansion but have never actually completed the game.

I think Control is a fairly recent addition to PS Plus. I remember seeing that it was added not to long ago, but I already on the PS5 Ultimate Edition on Disc, which is a pain in the ass. Need to put the disk in to play :ROFLMAO:
Has anyone played Nine Sols? Just started it the other day, and I'm really enjoying it. Metroidvania style 2d game. Closest comparison is Hollow Knight meets Sekiro. This one stands out in several ways though.

Simple but challenging combat so far. Controls are very smooth. Combat consists of basic attacks, charged attacks, a limited use but high damage bow, dodge dashing, and a parry system. Might be more later, I've only beat the first two major story bosses. The parry system allows you to build up Qi, which you can use to plant talismans on your foes and detonate for good damage. There's also a secondary parry for when an enemy uses a "green" attack. For these, you have to jump over and time the parry, but if you do, it will stun the enemy. Getting the parries down is pretty crucial to survival, especially in the boss fights. That being said, there was one boss fight with a Centaur like enemy where parrying pushed you well out of attacking distance. After a few attempts, I found that dashing in and then just doing repeat jump attacks absolutely shut things down quick.

The world is what will really draw you in. Artistically, it combines Taoism and Cyberpunk themes with some body horror as well. Some of the scenery is absolutely gorgeous. The art style has a mostly hand drawn feel, especially with the characters, but also uses 3D to great effect. There have also been several scenes so far that have been downright shocking in what they portray. I won't go into the story simply because I feel like I don't know much yet, but will say there's a larger mystery and things are intentionally kept very vague, slowly unravelling over time. It's a mystery I'm very much excited to solve. Exploration feels very similar to Hollow Knight - it's very easy to get lost, and the game has intentionally led me down several paths where I hit something I couldn't get past yet, causing me to backtrack and figure out the correct path. Thankfully the map is pretty good, feels closer to Metroid Dread in this case. You can view a world map with each section, and indicators as to where/how they link together, but you can also drill in and view the details of each section to see paths you haven't traveled to. If it weren't for this, I probably would have had to look things up.

As far as character progression goes, things will be familiar for anyone who's played a game in this genre. You find upgrades in the world that open up new areas/traversal paths. On top of that, there's a badge system similar to Hollow Knight called jades, where you can equip buffs and various helpful effects in the style of adding chips to a computer. There's also a level up system with a skill tree. There's a money system, and this is what you drop on death that can be permanently lost. Does not impact the skill tree system, which is pretty cool. The money so far has been used for more jades, upgrades to equipment, and to purchase items that can be traded for upgrades. And even with all these systems, the game still manages to be challenging.
Played Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 for about an hour and half yesterday. It’s pretty good so far. I’m going into this completely blind. Story is fairly engrossing which forces you to pay attention. Combat seems trickier than I expected but it’s still early and I’m in the git gud stage of the game. My one gripe is the two main characters look far too similar. Hairstyles and face styles. You can tell them apart but they could have given one a mustache or one longer hair. Just seems historically incorrect that they would both have very clean hairstyles for the time period. Other than that it seems fun so far!
I'll have to add that to my library so I can play for 3 hours and then jump to something a little more chill.

I have some kind of ADHD when it comes to games. I'm playing KCD2, enjoying it, but decided I needed something more chill and downloaded Two Point Campus.
Finally, after all these years, I can shout "Dodge you asshole!" at a Pokemon, and it might actually do so. Kidding aside, the battles from the Pokemon Direct for Legends ZA look pretty fun and felt a lot like how they're depicted in the anime. I hope your ass can catch a fire blast mid combat as well if you don't position right.
Any monster hunter people here?
huge Monster Hunter fan, but I have the Xbox Series S and the game looks and runs like dog shit on it, so I'm sitting it out for now. hopefully the game gets better optimization, or a sale, or comes to Switch 2 and runs better...

but the fact Digital Foundry showed that even the PS5 PRO can't hold 60 FPS it just feels like something is wrong with the game
huge Monster Hunter fan, but I have the Xbox Series S and the game looks and runs like dog shit on it, so I'm sitting it out for now. hopefully the game gets better optimization, or a sale, or comes to Switch 2 and runs better...

but the fact Digital Foundry showed that even the PS5 PRO can't hold 60 FPS it just feels like something is wrong with the game
So far on base PS5 it’s run fine, though I have it on frame rate mode. Handful of frame drops here or there in camps but no performance issues when it matters. I assume it’ll get patched eventuallt
Has anyone played Avowed? I’m really digging it. It’s like The Outer Worlds meets Skyrim. Not surprising since it’s an Obsidian game but I had zero expectations since I thought The Outer Worlds was just okay. The combat is pretty fun, challenging at times. The setting is very reminiscent to the game “GreedFall” if anyone has played that one too. There’s a “safe” area and you venture out to explore the “unsafe” areas to complete the story.
I have heard Monster Hunter mentioned a few times lately. What is this? Is it a game worth checking out?
It's not as difficult as Soulsborne games, but has a similar approach to combat (learning boss animations, lots of dodging, etc). It's basically just a shitload of boss fights. The general flow is you hunt monsters to get materials and forge new weapons/armor from those materials. Eventually you unlock higher ranks (harder fights, better gear). Monsters can take ~10 minutes for fairly easy hunts or a bit longer for the end/post-game stuff. Multiplayer is where the game shines.

While the games have gotten better over the years about this, they're still needlesly obtuse for newbies. So it may help to have a friend "sherpa" you through some of its nonsense if you are intrigued at all. World and Rise often go on sale for really cheap if you aren't prepared to fully commit to $70