Feature requests?

So, you're saying when someone not you replies to the Covid-19 thread in your example there it will jump to the top of the thread listing? In mine it would stay put and just become bold.
Yep. See how it's in order of minutes since last reply? I haven't replied to some of those threads in quite a while.
I haven’t been able to get it to sort for me like that. It’s been my biggest peeve on this site as it was my main way of reading threads at the old place. Maybe I missed something but mine is like @debianlinux
That's strange. I'm not aware of any settings that can be changed from the user end. Mine has always been like that. Do you guys not see the time of last reply when you are using it like in my screen shot?
That's strange. I'm not aware of any settings that can be changed from the user end. Mine has always been like that. Do you guys not see the time of last reply when you are using it like in my screen shot?
Oh I have time of last reply but after something’s been read, it doesn’t drop below the unread ones. It stays in position. I want all unread watched threads on top and read ones below.
Oh I have time of last reply but after something’s been read, it doesn’t drop below the unread ones. It stays in position. I want all unread watched threads on top and read ones below.
That's what mine does. My understanding of what Deb was saying is that his threads only move to the top if he responds to them and therefore aren't in order of most recent reply. The only bolded ones that I have that are on the 2nd or 3rd page are threads no one has responded to in a while and I haven't clicked on them since before then.

I may have misunderstood though.