Day 28 - National Pancake Day - I know we all own multiple records from many artists. Pick one artist and stack those bad boys up and play them all day.
Day 28 - National Pancake Day - I know we all own multiple records from many artists. Pick one artist and stack those bad boys up and play them all day.
My Dylan / The Grateful Dead / Dead Solo & Side Projects live together on the same shelf, gonna go with the Dead today. Starting off with one of my favorites.
Grateful Dead ~ One From The Vault
Edited to add, on to the next one, which will likely be the last one, given the length of dead shows:
Day 28 - National Pancake Day - I know we all own multiple records from many artists. Pick one artist and stack those bad boys up and play them all day.
Gorillaz "Gorillaz" (2001 Parlophone; 2021 reissue)
Going to go with some Gorillaz today. I have enough to keep me busy all day, but it could actually be doable. Maybe. Starting with the first album.
Day 28 - National Pancake Day - I know we all own multiple records from many artists. Pick one artist and stack those bad boys up and play them all day.
Julia Holter full length discography
Favorite artist ever. Said that many times, practically since the time I joined N&G. Seen her perform only twice, separated five years apart.
I won't be able to play any of these now as I soon need to take a shower, eat, get ready for the day and head to work early.
National Pancake Day
I know we all own multiple records from many artists. Pick one artist and stack those bad boys up and play them all day.
Boy, do I have a stack of flap jacks for you…
Currently, I am sitting at 21 Sonic Youth albums not including Solo Albums. I am getting very close to owning their entire studios discography just missing their first couple albums currently.
I’ll start out with some latter day SY… Sonic Youth - Murray Street